Minerva anestesiologica
Minerva anestesiologica · May 2021
Post-traumatic stress disorder, burnout and their impact on global functioning in Italian emergency healthcare workers.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and burnout are severe and frequent conditions among emergency healthcare workers exposed to repeated work-related traumatic experiences. The aim of the present study was to investigate PTSD, burnout and global functioning in a sample of emergency healthcare workers (HCWs) of a major university hospital in Italy, exploring possible correlations between the two constructs. ⋯ This work, conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic, underlines a positive correlation between burnout and post-traumatic stress spectrum symptoms in emergency HCWs, showing the need for a deeper assessment of work-related post-traumatic stress symptoms in such population in order to improve the well-being and to prevent burnout.
Minerva anestesiologica · May 2021
The management of pediatric severe traumatic brain injury: Italian guideline.
The aim of the work was to update the "Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury" published in 2012, to reflect the new available evidence, and develop the Italian national guideline for the management of severe pediatric head injuries to reduce variation in practice and ensure optimal care to patients. ⋯ In recent years, progress has been made on the understanding of severe pediatric brain injury, as well as on that concerning all major traumatic pathology. This has led to a progressive improvement in the clinical outcome, although the quantity and quality of evidence remains particularly low.
Minerva anestesiologica · May 2021
Observational StudyRisk factors for post-operative eye pain in patients with non-painful eye disease undergoing pars plana vitrectomy: the VItrectomy Pain (VIP) study.
Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), a surgical procedure used to treat different ophthalmic pathologies, could be associated with moderate to severe eye pain. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the incidence of postoperative eye pain and its risk factors following PPV in a selected population of patients with non-painful eye disease, receiving regional anesthesia and moderate sedation with benzodiazepines, without use of narcotics. ⋯ A protocol for pain control after PPV should be considered, especially in younger, non-Caucasian people, and patients with high ASA PS grade. Moreover, attention must be paid when additional surgical procedures are requested, restricting them to selected patients, and using the appropriate agent for intraocular tamponade.
As mortality is now low for many cardiac surgical procedures, there has been an increasing focus on patient centered outcomes such as recovery and quality of life. The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) cardiac society recently published the first set of guidelines for cardiac surgery which will be useful as a starting point to help translate this philosophy for the benefit of those undergoing cardiac surgery. At the same time there are many advances in other areas such as mechanical circulation, diagnostics and quality metrics. ⋯ Those specialists who work in cardiac anaesthesia and critical care are well placed to contribute to these changes. Accompanying this work is the development of technologies to improve recognition of and intervention to prevent early organ dysfunction. Measuring, benchmarking and publishing quality outcomes from cardiac surgical centres is likely to improve services and benefit our patients.