Prog Transplant
Publications on living donor liver transplant have focused on the medical aspects of donor selection, postoperative management, surgical procedures, and outcomes, but little attention has been given to the nursing implications for care of live liver donors during their inpatient stay. Donor advocates from various disciplines are involved during the initial education and evaluation, but most care after surgery is delivered by an inpatient medical team and bedside nursing staff who are not as familiar with the donor and concepts related to donor advocacy. In an effort to improve the overall donor experience and provide safe, high-quality care to patients undergoing elective partial hepatectomy, our academic medical center began a quality improvement project focused on improving the inpatient stay. ⋯ However, the infrequency of living donor liver transplantation makes it nearly impossible to have all transplant program staff on a nursing unit be "experts" on donor care. Therefore, our center determined that, similar to the Independent Donor Advocacy Team, a transplant program needs live donor champions on the nursing unit to mirror the goals of the team. To that end, we developed the concept of the Designated Donor Nurse to care for and advocate for live liver donors during the inpatient stay and also to serve as a resource to their colleagues.
Monitoring oxygen saturation of blood drawn from a catheter placed within the superior vena cava (Scvo2) has recently been promoted as a substitute for evaluating oxygen saturation of mixed venous blood drawn from the pulmonary artery (Svo2). The Svo2 reflects the balance between oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption throughout the body and, among critically ill patients, may be helpful for assessing resuscitation, cardiac function, or oxygen homeostasis end points. ⋯ After loss of oxygen consumption in the brain following brain death, the customary values for these variables may be different from values in other groups of patients. Therefore, until donor-specific normative values for these important parameters are identified, we do not recommend that Scvo2 be used to evaluate the balance between donor oxygen consumption and delivery or as a variable to guide treatment.
In August 2002, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention implemented the National Surgical Infection Prevention project. The goal of the project was to decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with postoperative surgical site infections through appropriate selection and timing of administration and discontinuation of prophylactic antimicrobials. ⋯ The goals of this article are to (1) provide a framework for risk factors associated with surgical site infections in liver, small-bowel, and multivisceral transplants; (2) review general principles of the appropriate antimicrobial prophylaxis; (3) provide a framework for developing a triage of liver, small-bowel, and multivisceral transplant candidates for appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis; and (4) develop an approach to further quality improvements in transplant surgical care. A multidisciplinary team produced recommendations for antibacterial prophylaxis and monitoring.