World Neurosurg
Case Reports
The consequence of delayed neurosurgical care at Tikur Anbessa Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Tikur Anbessa Hospital (TAH) is the major teaching hospital for Addis Ababa University and the only tertiary referral hospital for neurosurgery in Ethiopia. We explore the consequence of delayed treatment by examining the current system in place for treating patients and the wait times experienced by patients. A retrospective chart review was carried out on patients who received a neurosurgical operation at TAH between January 1 and June 30, 2007. ⋯ The median time from neurosurgical consultation to operation was 1 day. Delayed neurosurgical care comes with a high personal and social cost. By measuring the time from diagnosis to treatment and taking note of institutional practices, changes can be initiated to improve patient waiting times.
Two major challenges facing African neurosurgery include quality and quantity, in both recourses and personnel. Discrepancy is noted between the two poles, namely, the north and south of the continent and the sub-Saharan area. Although reasonably advanced in the north and south, neurosurgery remains poorly distributed and has multiple deficiencies. ⋯ Insufficient state funding and research facilities aggravate the situation and discourage the few well-trained African neurosurgeons to practice in their homeland. For those who do return home, cultural, social, economical, and political issues hinder their performance and hence the quality of neurosurgery delivered in Africa. Strategies for rectification of these handicaps are presented, including the need for high-standard local training and support from international organizations.
Although gamma knife radiosurgery is an established treatment option for trigeminal neuralgia, its role in the management of glossopharyngeal neuralgia is unclear. We report a case of glosspharyngeal neuralgia treated effectively with gamma knife radiosurgery, review the literature, and discuss the rationale supporting dose and target selection. ⋯ This clinical response provides encouraging evidence for the treatment of glossopharyngeal neuralgia with stereotactic radiosurgery and is consistent with previous reports. Further investigation is needed to define the role of stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
The prudent allocation of neurosurgical resources and training efforts requires an understanding of prevalence and clinical pattern of neurosurgical disorders in a particular region. The aim of our study was to assess the hospital-based prevalence of neurosurgical disease in the setting of rural sub-Saharan Africa. ⋯ Initial neurosurgical training and resource allocation in sub-Saharan Africa should focus on neurotrauma, spinal infections, congenital malformations, and hydrocephalus.
The endoscopic transsphenoidal approach has become widely used for pituitary and extended skull base operations. Intraoperative conversion to a microscopic approach may be an important option in selected cases. We aim to characterize the operative situations in which such conversion occurred and facilitated the procedure. ⋯ Although endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery provides superior visualization in most patients, conversion to a microscopic or endoscopic-assisted approach may provide essential visualization in selected patients. This may be especially true in patients undergoing reoperation and patients with acromegaly or Cushing's disease. Trainees learning the endoscopic transsphenoidal approach should become familiar with the benefits and limitations of the various transsphenoidal approaches.