World Neurosurg
Despite 50 years of research, prognostication post cardiac arrest traditionally occurs at 72 hours. We tested the accuracy of a novel bedside score within 24 hours of hospital admission, in predicting neurologically intact survival. ⋯ This study demonstrates that a score based on clinical and easily accessible variables within 24 hours can predict neurologically intact survival following cardiac arrest.
Ischemic stroke has been associated with stunned myocardium and neurogenic pulmonary edema (NPE). We studied a population of patients with large vessel brainstem ischemic stroke to see if there was an increased risk of pulmonary edema associated with strokes in this region independent of myocardial stunning. ⋯ In a retrospective case control study, large vessel brainstem stroke was associated with the development of pulmonary edema independent of cardiac abnormalities associated with myocardial stunning, suggesting a separate brainstem pathophysiologic mechanism which directly affects the lungs but not the heart.
Central nervous system lymphoma (CNSL) is typically treated with chemotherapy and external beam radiation therapy (EBRT). Optimal management of recurrent CNSL is poorly defined. ⋯ Stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with recurrent CNSL is well tolerated and has a high rate of radiographic response. A marginal dose of 15.5 Gy or greater, a Karnofsky score of 80 or greater, and the absence of pre-SRS WBRT were associated with significantly longer overall survival. Stereotactic radiosurgery may be beneficial as an initial salvage therapy in the treatment of recurrent CNSL for properly selected patients.
Review Observational Study
Audit of the Functioning of the Elective Neurosurgical Operation Theater in India: A Prospective Study and Review of Literature.
Knowledge about the utilization of the operation theater (OT) is essential to improve its efficiency. This study evaluated the neurosurgical operation theater utilization in a neurosciences teaching hospital. ⋯ This study identified the proportion of time spent on each activity in the neurosurgical OT. This knowledge is likely to facilitate better planning of neurosurgical theater schedule and result in optimal utilization.
Flow diversion technologies have gained popularity as a novel endovascular approach to treating cerebral aneurysms. Thus far, the results of treatment with flow diverters has been excellent, with comparable morbidity and mortality to stent-assisted coiling but higher complete occlusion. Currently, published data exists for four different flow diversion technologies. We review and summarize the most recent results for these technologies and review differences in flow diverter designs.