World Neurosurg
Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Efficacy and Safety of Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms.
To compare the treatment results of ruptured aneurysms treated endovascularly with aneurysms treated with microsurgical clipping. ⋯ Microsurgical clipping shows a lower rate of treatment-associated complications and a higher occlusion rate of ruptured intracranial aneurysms than coil embolization. The individual evaluation and decision process for choice of treatment modality in this study is very effective.
Synchronous tumors of the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) are very rare and inconsistently described. We present 2 cases of contiguous vestibular schwannoma (VS) and meningioma and a systematic literature review of all multiple CPA tumors. ⋯ Multiple CPA tumors are rare, heterogeneous lesions with a marked predisposition toward poor facial nerve outcomes, potentially attributable to a paracrine mechanism that simultaneously drives multiple tumor growth and increases invasiveness or adhesiveness at the facial nerve-tumor interface. Preceding nomenclature has been confounding and inconsistent; we recommend classifying all multiple CPA tumors as "synchronous tumors," with "schwannoma with meningothelial hyperplasia" or "tumor-to-tumor metastases" reserved for rare, specific circumstances.
Review Case Reports
Primary germinoma originating from the insular lobe: a case report and review of the literature.
Primary intracranial germinomas occurring in the cerebral hemisphere are extremely rare, with only a few reported cases in the literature. We describe an unusual case of a primary germinoma that developed in the insular lobe, with little involvement in the basal frontal lobe. ⋯ The causes of ectopic germinomas of the midline structures of the brain are still unclear, but the theory of misplacement may partially clarify this phenomenon. Reflecting a lack of definitive management guidelines for atypical germinoma, the present patient was treated with focal radiotherapy around the lesion after surgery and achieved remission by 34 months postoperatively.