World Neurosurg
Multicenter Study Observational Study
High serum sCD40L during the first week of malignant middle cerebral artery infarction and mortality.
Higher circulating soluble cluster of differentiation 40 ligand (sCD40L) levels at admission of an ischemic stroke have been found in nonsurvivor than in survivor patients. The objectives of this study were to determine whether serum sCD40L levels during the first week of a severe malignant middle cerebral artery infarction (MMCAI) are higher in nonsurvivor than in survivor patients and whether they could be used as biomarker of mortality prediction. ⋯ The findings that nonsurvivors showed higher serum sCD40L levels during the first week of MMCAI than did survivors and that serum sCD40L levels during the first week of MMCAI could be used as a mortality predictor biomarker are 2 novel findings.
To provide an analysis of Web of Science (WoS) indexed literature related to stem cells therapy in spinal cord injury published between 1999 and 2018. ⋯ Research on stem cells for spinal cord injury is a well-developed and promising research field. There is broad global scientific research cooperation. More cooperation among top authors, institutions, and countries is needed. Our results may be helpful for researchers in identifying further potential perspectives on collaborators, research frontiers, and hot topics.
Brain Tumor Surgery is Safe in Octogenarians and Nonagenarians: A Single Surgeon 741 Patient Series.
Elderly patients with surgically accessible brain tumors are often not offered clinically indicated brain tumor surgery (BTS) because of to assumptions of greater risk for perioperative morbidity and mortality. Because brain tumor incidence is highest in the geriatric population, and because the global population is aging, accurate understanding of BTS risk in elderly patients is critical. We aimed to compare safety of BTS in elderly patients with younger counterparts to better understand the risk-benefit profile of BTS for elderly patients. ⋯ Elderly patients did not have significantly different ΔmRS, LOH, 30DRR, or complication rates after BTS compared with younger counterparts. Therefore, in healthy patients, advanced age alone should not prevent patients from being offered BTS.
We proposed a novel prognostic tool for the prediction of in-hospital mortality based on a combination of hemodynamic parameters and biomarkers in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). We hypothesized that a combination of shock index (SI) with high sensitive troponin T (HsTnT), the Bio-Shock Index (Bio-SI), has better prognostic power than its individual components. ⋯ The Bio-SI is potentially a better tool than its individual components to predict in-hospital mortality among patients with TBI; however, HsTnT alone outperforms SI. Prospective studies and multicenter trials studying troponin levels and SI in all patients with TBI with the inclusion of outcome scores will prove or disprove the predictability of the new index.
To explore which preoperative radiologic variables have propensity for reherniation and to evaluate whether the inherent annulus splitting procedure during percutaneous endoscopic lumbar diskectomy (PELD) could prompt reherniation, we assessed the correlation between the anatomic location of annular penetration and reherniation. ⋯ PLL tear and subarticular herniation were significantly related to recurrent disk herniation. Reherniation patterns after PELD generally matched those of primary herniation. The annulus penetrating step during PELD did not increase the risk of reherniation.