World Neurosurg
Intraneural ganglia are benign mucinous cystic formations that originate within the epineurium of peripheral nerves. Different treatments have been recommended, with an overall satisfactory outcome. In this paper, we aim to evaluate the long-term outcomes of surgical treatment of peroneal intraneural ganglia by reviewing our local institutional experience. ⋯ The data from our series support excellent long-term postoperative motor outcomes with a low recurrence rate. To avoid extraneural recurrence, resection of the superior tibiofibular joint is necessary.
Case Reports
An alternative route to the posterior half of the third ventricle: the trans-occipital horn approach. Technical note.
Lesions arising or abutting in the posterior half of the third ventricle are approached through established routes to avoid damage of essential brain structures. Occasionally, the features of the lesion require rethinking these traditional routes and tailoring the surgical approach to cause fewer debilitating sequelae to the patient. We introduce a modification of previously described transcortical approaches to lesions of the posterior third ventricle. The technique and possible indications are discussed. ⋯ The transoccipital horn approach is a feasible alternative to other surgical routes to the posterior part of the third ventricle in cases of particularly challenging anatomy and tumor characteristics. It allows reaching the lesion along its major axis, fully exploiting the natural space created by the tumor in its growth and avoiding the internal cerebral veins.
Hemiballism is a rare hyperkinetic movement disorder characterized by involuntary, high-amplitude, unilateral flailing of upper or lower extremities or both. In the case of hemiballism refractory to pharmaceutical interventions, deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective primary neurosurgical treatment. DBS targets for hemiballism include the thalamus, subthalamic nucleus, and globus pallidus internus (GPi). ⋯ Evidence gathered from the literature indicates that GPi-DBS is an effective treatment for hemiballism, especially after neuroleptics have failed. Results from various case studies of GPi-DBS used to treat hemiballism reveal improved motor ability and decreased dyskinesia, although degree of improvement may vary. More studies are required to establish which DBS target requires the least amount of stimulation to treat hemiballism.
Intraosseous petrous apex schwannomas are an exceedingly rare entity; little is known about their epidemiology, natural history, and postoperative outcomes. ⋯ Our 2-year follow-up demonstrates slow growth and success of multimodal management in the treatment of these tumors. We review the 3 prior reports of petrous apex schwannomas and identify unifying radiographic and clinical characteristics to aid future diagnostic considerations of lesions of the petrous apex.
Conventional carotid catheterization is impossible in 2%-5% of acute stroke cases. Surgical carotid cutdown may be a necessary bailout strategy to allow for carotid access. We assessed the effectiveness and safety of surgical carotid cutdown for vascular access in interventional acute stroke treatment. ⋯ Carotid cutdown is an effective bailout strategy for acute stroke patients, in whom conventional catheterization is not possible.