World Neurosurg
The paper is dedicated to life and work of Dr Roy Selby (1930-2002) - an American neurosurgeon who founded neurosurgery in Malaysia. He stayed there from July 1963 to May 1970. He opened a first neurosurgical department at general hospital in Kuala Lumpur and established a training program under which Malaysian physicians and nurses were sent to neurosurgery centres in U. ⋯ Dr Selby was a world citizen neurosurgeon and advocated international standards of training in neurosurgery. In 1985 -1994 he was a chairman of Archives Committee of American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Dr Selby may serve as a model of a doctor as a humanist.
Subacute post-traumatic ascending myelopathy involves the rise in the high signal intensity on T2-weighted images four or more vertebral segments above the initial injured site and it usually occurs within the first few weeks after the injury. The pathophysiological mechanisms of traumatic spinal cord damage are not clearly understood, however there are some pathophysiological processes like arterial thrombosis, venous thrombosis, congestive ischemia, inflammatory or autoimmune reaction, and infection in the form of meningitis or myelitis that could lead to SPAM. ⋯ This was the first case in the literature that showed rise two times in high signal intensity level in spinal cord due to gunshot injury. Inflammatory reactions and secondary injury processes might have led to neurological deterioration and ascending myelopathy in our case, therefore the patient may have showed neurological improvement after methylprednisolone therapy due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. There is no clear evidence whether neurological improvement is associated with steroid therapy or it is because of the natural course of the SPAM.
We conducted a retrospective analysis to explore the prognostic effect of the cumulative score based on neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and fibrinogen in patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). ⋯ F-NLR score of 2 was a risk predictor of prognosis for patients with GBM.
Although endovascular coiling of unruptured aneurysms is widely accepted, the endovascular treatment of wide-neck bifurcation aneurysms remains one of the most challenging morphologies. Our purpose was to describe our experience with 24-month follow-up for the treatment of unruptured intracranial bifurcation aneurysms using the PulseRider (Cerenovus, New Brunswick, NJ). ⋯ Our experience with 24-month follow-up demonstrated favorable efficacy in the treatment of intracranial wide-neck bifurcation aneurysms using the PulseRider.
Endoscopic endonasal anterior skull base malignant sinonasal tumor resection and reconstruction remains a challenge. We describe our septal flip flap (SFF) reconstruction, a new surgical technique for repairing anterior skull base defects and report our outcomes. ⋯ The SFF adds to the clinical armamentarium the opportunity to provide vascularized mucosal coverage extending from the frontal recess back to the planum sphenoidalis. The use of SFF requires careful consideration when dealing with paranasal sinus cancers so as not to infringe oncologic principles.