World Neurosurg
The desire to improve accuracy and safety and to favor minimally invasive techniques has given rise to spinal robotic surgery, which has seen a steady increase in utilization in the past 2 decades. However, spinal surgery encompasses a large spectrum of operative techniques, and robotic surgery currently remains confined to assistance with the trajectory of pedicle screw insertion, which has been shown to be accurate and safe based on class II and III evidence. The role of robotics in improving surgical outcomes in spinal pathologies is less clear, however. ⋯ Robotic assisted surgery may thus open the door to minimally invasive surgery with greater security and confidence. In addition, the use of robotics facilitates tireless repeated movements with higher precision compared with humans. Nevertheless, it is clear that further studies are now necessary to demonstrate the role of this modern tool in cost-effectiveness and in improving clinical outcomes, such as reoperation rates for screw malpositioning.
Posterior fossa ependymoma (PF-EPN) was categorized into PF-EPN-A and PF-EPN-B subgroups based on the DNA methylation profiling. PF-EPN-A was reported to have poorer prognosis compared with PF-EPN-B. In this study, we particularly evaluated preoperative imaging to distinguish PF-EPN-A from PF-EPN-B. ⋯ Contrast rate less than 50%, based on the magnetic resonance images, was characteristic in the PF-EPN-A group. Comparatively, cystic component and absence of calcification were more characteristic in the PF-EPN-B group.
The mainstay treatment for petrous apicitis (Gradenigo's syndrome) is medical management with antibiotics, steroids, and placement of pressure equalization tubes. The role for surgery is limited as second-line treatment if conservative methods have failed. ⋯ To our knowledge, the use of the Kawase approach for petrous apicitis has not been previously reported. In addition, we postulate that surgical intervention can potentially result in quicker recovery of preexisting cranial nerve deficits in medically refractory petrous apicitis. This raises the potential role of earlier surgical intervention.