World Neurosurg
Review Case Reports
Intracranial Capillary Hemangiomas: A Peripartum Presentation and Review of the Literature.
Intracranial capillary hemangiomas (ICHs) are rare vascular tumors composed of a bed of many narrow thin-walled vessels. Within the confines of the skull, these tumors can lead to serious neurologic deficits including cranial nerve dysfunction, mood/personality disturbances, and signs of intracranial mass effect. ⋯ We conclude that, in experienced hands, the endoscopic endonasal approach can be used to access the cavernous sinus for complete resection of ICHs of the cavernous sinus. We also suggest that further attention be paid to such cases in pregnant and peripartum women as these tumors may progress more quickly in this subpopulation.
The objective of this review was to understand the clinical utilization, utility, and variability in the usage of adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Surgical site infection is associated with high morbidity and mortality, increased health care expenditure, and decreased quality of life. With the increasing prevalence of adult spinal deformity and spinal fusion surgery, it is imperative to understand the potential benefits of adjunctive treatments. ⋯ The most common treatment protocol consists of 90-minute sessions of 100% Fio2 at 2-3 atmosphere absolute with a mean of 35.3 ± 11.6 sessions for 5.2 ± 1.4 weeks. Adjunctive HBOT should be considered in select high-risk patients. Further improvements in diagnosis and categorization of spinal infections are necessary and will indelibly aid the decision making for the initiation of HBOT.
There have been numerous technical advancements in the field of endoscopic spine surgery since it began in the 1980s and its use further expanded in the 1990s. At present, there are many newer technical advancements in this field, each trying to expand the indications and afford more accurate execution of this procedure. We predict some technologies which can be classified as being disruptive and have the potential of being game changers in this exciting field in the near future.
Review Historical Article
Trepanation of the Outer Table as a Treatment for Scalping Injuries: Historical Perspective and Modern Applications.
Complex cranial wounds represent complex surgical problems. In modern times, these are mostly due to accidental trauma. During the period of the American Frontier, violent scalping was a common practice. ⋯ This was accomplished as a byproduct of the violence of the scalping or as an application of the technique first described by Augustin Belloste in 1696. Application of this technique in a modern setting may allow for improved wound healing. Trepanation of the outer table to aid in healing and closure of complex cranial wounds has a long history of successful practice and can be successfully applied to modern practice.