World Neurosurg
Review Historical Article
Ney Bienvenido Arias Lora (1926-2007): The Dominican Republic's First Neurosurgeon.
Dr. Ney Bienvenido Arias Lora emerged not only as a pioneer in neurosurgery but a community leader in the Dominican Republic (DR), contributing significantly to a region where both fundamental and neurosurgical resources were scarce. This account aims to shed light on the remarkable life and career of Dr. Arias Lora, emphasizing the critical role he played in establishing and advancing neurosurgery in the DR. ⋯ Dr. Ney Bienvenido Arias Lora's life and achievements stand as a testament to the transformative impact dedicated individuals can have on the advancement of neurosurgery. Despite the intricacies inherent in the field of neurosurgery and broader societal challenges, his story serves as an inspiration.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin versus commercially available fibrin sealants in elective cranial surgery: a cost-effectiveness analysis.
Previous findings from a clinical trial demonstrated noninferiority of Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) compared to commercially available fibrin sealants in preventing postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage, necessitating intervention. This cost-effectiveness evaluation aims to assess the value-for-money of both techniques for dural closure in supratentorial and infratentorial surgeries. ⋯ This study demonstrates L-PRF as a cost-effective alternative for commercially available fibrin sealants in dural closure. Implementing L-PRF can lead to substantial cost savings, particularly considering the frequency of these procedures.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Beyond Traditional Training: Exploring the Benefits of Virtual Reality Simulator in Lumbar Pedicle Screw Insertion - A Randomized Controlled Trial.
This study compares the effectiveness of virtual reality simulators (VRS) and a saw bone model for learning lumbar pedicle screw insertion (LPSI) in neurosurgery. ⋯ Virtual reality simulators (VRS) prove to be an invaluable tool for teaching complex neurosurgical skills, such as LPSI, to trainees. This technology investment can enhance the learning curve while maintaining patient safety.
Low-income countries (LICs) and lower-middle-income countries (LMICs) are presented with unique challenges and opportunities when performing awake craniotomy (AC) for brain tumors. These circumstances arise from factors that are financial, infrastructural, educational, personnel, and sociocultural in nature. ⋯ There are numerous challenges and opportunities that arise when performing AC in LICs/LMICs. A collaborative approach toward harnessing the opportunities, and seeking creative solutions to address the challenges, would provide an ideal mechanism toward advancing neurosurgical care and specialty worldwide.
Routine evaluation and surveillance imaging after pituitary adenoma (PA) endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal resection (EETS) is a neurosurgical practice to identify tumor recurrence. This study aims to identify social and clinical factors that may contribute to patients missing their initial 1-year follow-up appointment and provide guidance for targeted education to improve patient adherence with postoperative treatment plans, ultimately reducing unknown adenoma recurrence. ⋯ Risk factors of missed 1-year follow-up appointments after PA resection include male sex, divorced/widowed/separated marital status, older age, and the presence of visual deficits at initial presentation. Increased education efforts can be selectively aimed at these at-risk patient cohorts to improve patient compliance and reduce consequences of undetected tumor recurrence.