World Neurosurg
Case Reports
Use of an Irrigating External Ventricular Drain in an Infant: Proof-Of-Concept Technical Note.
This report describes the procedural nuances for use of an irrigating external ventricular drain (EVD) in an infant patient. Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and other intraventricular pathologies, such as infection, can occur in a variety of situations and patient populations, with few interventions available for immediate resolution. While manual endoscopic surgical irrigation has been trialed in both adult and pediatric patient populations to clear blood products or debris, this concept has recently been further extrapolated to the use of a continuous irrigating EVD over a more extended period. While this technique has been more commonly used for subarachnoid hemorrhage in adults, study of its use in pediatric patients, particularly in infants, is lacking. ⋯ Use of irrigating EVD catheters should not be limited to the adult population. Indications for use are broad in the pediatric population and warrant further exploration.