World Neurosurg
Review Meta Analysis
Atlantoaxial fusion with transarticular screws: meta-analysis and review of the literature.
To review published series describing C1-2 posterior instrumented fusions and summarize clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients treated with transarticular screw (TAS) fixation. ⋯ TAS fixation is a safe and effective treatment option for C1-2 instability with high rates of fusion (approximately 95%). Screw malposition and vertebral artery injury occurred in approximately 5% of patients. The successful insertion of TAS requires a thorough knowledge of atlantoaxial anatomy.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Burst spinal cord stimulation for limb and back pain.
Spinal cord stimulation via epidurally implanted electrodes is a common treatment for medically intractable neuropathic pain of different origins. Because tonic electrical stimulation evokes paresthesias over the painful area, this method has never been proven scientifically to be superior to placebo. Recently, burst stimulation (in which closely spaced, high-frequency stimuli are delivered to the spinal cord) has been developed, which does not generate paresthesias. ⋯ The differences between tonic and burst stimulation are likely attributable to a more-selective modulation of the medial pain pathways by burst stimulation, as shown by the activation of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex.
Review Case Reports
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the abducens nerve and a review of the literature.
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are rare, and intracranial occurrences are even more rare. Treatment strategies have varied widely. This article reports the first case of a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the abducens nerve and provides a literature review that includes 61 cases of intracranial malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Data were analyzed based on age, sex, treatment, survival, immunohistochemical staining, location, tumor grade, and neurofibromatosis association. These tumors more often affect male persons, and the patients affected have a mean age of 39 years. Most patients underwent subtotal or gross total resection and radiation. Intracranial location varied, but most tumors occurred in the cerebellopontine angle. The literature shows that intracranial malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are a heterogeneous group. Their association with neurofibromatosis is less clear than that of their extracranial counterparts. Prognosis is poor, but surgical resection and radiation can enhance chances for longer survival. Our aim was to elucidate information about these tumors. ⋯ At 3-month follow-up, the patient walked with a cane with no further deficits except mild ataxia, which resolved within 6 months. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a small residual tumor adherent to the basilar artery. At 1-year follow-up and after ocular surgery to correct lateral rectus palsy, the patient was neurologically intact.
Review Case Reports
Disseminated glioneuronal tumor with neuropil-like islands of the spinal cord: a distinctive entity.
Glioneuronal tumor with neuropil-like islands (GTNI) was recently added as a novel lesion in the most recent update of the World Health Organization classification of tumors of the central nervous system in 2007. Since this tumor's initial description, approximately 28 cases of GTNI have been published. In this report, we describe the ninth case of a spinal GTNI in the world literature. ⋯ GTNI is a rare type of glioneuronal tumor that has recently been described in the literature. The outcome of this case seems to have an unfavorable clinical course despite their low-grade morphology. However, the combination of gross total resection and adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy can enhance chances for longer survival among children with spinal GTNI associated with meningeal dissemination, and a clinical follow-up of a large series will be necessary to evaluate the long-term prognosis.
Historical Article
Evolution and rebirth of functional stereotaxy in the subthalamus.
The first human stereotactic surgery based on intracerebral landmarks and Cartesian coordinates was performed in 1947. With this followed the publication of a number of stereotactic frames and atlases. The intercommissural line joining the anterior and posterior commissures was to define stereotactic coordinate systems used in movement disorders and other functional neurosurgical procedures. ⋯ With advances in understanding of the functional anatomy of the corticobasal ganglia circuit, advances in brain imaging, more sophisticated electrophysiologic recordings, and the use of deep brain stimulation as a reversible lesion, stereotactic surgery returned as a viable option for the treatment of movement disorders. The posterior medial part of the globus pallidus, ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus, and the subthalamus, its nuclei and pathways, are sites for interrupting pathophysiologic circuits. Not only has this been applied to movement disorders, but to epilepsy, chronic pain, and behavioral disorders.