J Orofac Pain
To examine the relationship between depression and somatization and pain during muscle and joint palpation as well as limitations related to mandibular functioning (LRMF) in patients with temporomandibular disorders. ⋯ The results suggest that depression and somatization are related to the self-report of MP. In addition, severe somatization may be associated with an increase in jaw disability.
Chronic orofacial pain represents a diagnostic and treatment challenge for the clinician. Some conditions, such as atypical facial pain, still lack proper diagnostic criteria, and their etiology is not known. The recent development of neurophysiological methods and quantitative sensory testing for the examination of the trigeminal somatosensory system offers several tools for diagnostic and etiological investigation of orofacial pain. ⋯ By combining different techniques for investigation of the trigeminal system, an accurate topographical diagnosis and profile of sensory fiber pathology can be determined. Neurophysiological and quantitative sensory tests have already highlighted some similarities among various orofacial pain conditions and have shown heterogeneity within clinical diagnostic categories. With the aid of neurophysiological recordings and quantitative sensory testing, it is possible to approach a mechanism-based classification of orofacial pain.
Neuropathic trigeminal pain conditions are more common than is generally appreciated. Sites inside the mouth as well as involvement of extraoral tissues are common manifestations of these disorders. There is a general lack of recognition of the complex characteristics of neuropathic trigeminal pain that frequently lead to mischaracterization of the nature of the complaint. ⋯ Relative to etiology, the records review revealed that most onsets were associated with a specific dental treatment or odontogenic symptom that resulted in a dental diagnosis or treatment. Initial treatment modalities that either caused the pain or were used to address painful symptoms commonly included replacement of restorations, endodontic therapy, apicectomy, extraction, splint therapy, and occlusal equilibration. Correct diagnosis, and particularly early definitive diagnosis, of neuropathic trigeminal pain is crucial to avoid invasive and potentially more damaging forms of treatment.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
Venlafaxine in the treatment of atypical facial pain: a randomized controlled trial.
To study in a randomized placebo-controlled design the efficacy of the antidepressant venlafaxine, a serotonin and a weak noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, in the treatment of atypical facial pain (AFP). ⋯ Venlafaxine was only modestly effective in the treatment of AFP.