J Orofac Pain
To identify associations between clinical symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders and radiographic findings. ⋯ Age, gender, and coarse crepitus, but no pain-related variables, were associated with increased risk of degenerative findings in TMJ tomograms. Maximal opening < 40 mm was associated with a posterior condyle-to-articular tubercle relation on opening.
Comparative Study
Comparison of clinical findings and psychosocial factors in patients with atypical odontalgia and temporomandibular disorders.
To systematically compare clinical findings and psychosocial factors between patients suffering from atypical odontalgia (AO) and an age- and gender-matched group of patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). ⋯ AO and TMD share some characteristics but differ significantly in report of dental trauma, jaw function, pain duration, and pain site.
Comparative Study
Association between rhythmic masticatory muscle activity during sleep and masticatory myofascial pain: a polysomnographic study.
To test for an association between rhythmic masticatory muscle activity during sleep, as assessed according to polysomnographic criteria for sleep bruxism (RMMA-SB), and myofascial pain (MFP), as well as the chance of occurrence of MFP in patients with RMMA-SB. ⋯ (1) RMMA-SB is significantly associated with MFP; (2) although RMMA-SB represents a risk factor for MFP, this risk is low; and (3) DC probably constitutes a stronger risk factor for MFP than RMMA-SB.
Nasopharyngeal cancer can occur in any age group and is often misdiagnosed. Cervicogenic headache (CEH) is a clinical condition, putatively originating from nociceptive structures in the neck. A patient with CEH-like symptoms occurring as a result of nasopharyngeal cancer invasion is reported. ⋯ Cervical computerized tomography revealed a solid tumor in the right parapharyngeal region, adjacent to the C2-C3 vertebrae. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case in the literature of tumoral invasion of nasopharyngeal cancer presenting as CEH. Cervical neuroimaging is obligatory in patients with late-onset, severe CEH.
To test whether extraction of the 2 subscales in the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) affected the subscale score reliability and whether scores from the RDC/TMD subscales are comparable to the same scales when the whole Symptom Check List-90 (SCL-90R) is administered. ⋯ Whether items from other subscales are present or not does not affect the internal reliability or parallel forms reliability of the total scores from either depression or somatization. Context of administration, via order of forms completion, does not alter total score or reliability of depressive items but may alter total scores for somatization.