In a series of articles the authors discuss literature data concerning epidemiology of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), its current classification; peculiarities of its pathogenesis and treatment in various diseases and conditions. In the eleventh communication the authors discuss literature data related to the role of endothelin system in pathogenesis of primary (idiopathic) PAH, as well as PAH associated with diffuse diseases of connective tissue and congenital heart disease. This communication also contains presentation of clinical pharmacology of three available endothelin receptor blockers - bosentan, sitaxsentan, ambrisentan, and analysis of results of randomized controlled trials of efficacy and safety of these agents in patients with idiopathic PAH and PAH associated with diffuse diseases of connective tissue and congenital heart disease.
In a series of articles the authors discuss literature data concerning epidemiology of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), its modern classification; peculiarities of its pathogenesis and treatment in various diseases and conditions. The tenth communication contains consideration of results of controlled trials of prostacyclin and its synthetic analogues in patients with primary (idiopathic) PAH, and PAH associated with diffuse diseases of connective tissue, congenital heart disease, HIV-infection. ⋯ Subcutaneous administration of treprostinil and especially inhaled iloprost substantially widen possibilities of prolonged use of prostanoids in patients with various forms of PAH. Literature data on application of different prostanoids for long term treatment of patients with PAH, their side effects, indications and counterindications for their administration are analyzed in this communication.