The Journal of pediatrics
The Journal of pediatrics · Sep 2018
Observational StudyThe Oro-Helical Length Accurately Predicts Endotracheal Tube Insertion Depth in Neonates.
We evaluated the reliability of the oro-helical length in predicting the ideal endotracheal tube depth in neonates and found the oro-helical length was a consistently more reliable and better predictor of the ideal endotracheal tube depth on chest radiograph than the 7-8-9 rule, especially in infants weighing ≤1500 g.
The Journal of pediatrics · Sep 2018
Randomized Controlled TrialEnvironmental or Nasal Cannula Supplemental Oxygen for Preterm Infants: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial.
To test the hypothesis that environmental compared with nasal cannula oxygen decreases episodes of intermittent hypoxemia (oxygen saturations <85% for ≥10 seconds) in preterm infants on supplemental oxygen by providing a more stable hypopharyngeal oxygen concentration. ⋯ In preterm infants receiving supplemental oxygen, servo-controlled oxygen environment decreases hypoxemia compared with nasal cannula.
The Journal of pediatrics · Sep 2018
ReviewThe Role of Gender in Publication in The Journal of Pediatrics 2015-2016: Equal Reviews, Unequal Opportunities.
To examine whether the gender of corresponding authors, reviewers, and editors led to differential publication recommendations and outcomes for original research articles and invited editorials submitted to The Journal of Pediatrics in 2015 and 2016. ⋯ There were no differences in reviewer recommendations or editor decisions for original research articles based on corresponding author gender. However, women had fewer opportunities to serve as peer reviewers and editorial writers than would be expected given their representation as academic pediatric faculty.
To evaluate and compare readmission causes and timing within the first 30 days after hospitalization for 3 acute and 3 chronic common pediatric conditions. ⋯ The timing and causes of pediatric readmissions vary greatly across pediatric conditions. To be effective, strategies for reducing readmissions need to account for the index diagnosis to better target the highest risk period and causes for readmission.
The Journal of pediatrics · Sep 2018
Multicenter StudyEpidemiology and Etiology of Invasive Bacterial Infection in Infants ≤60 Days Old Treated in Emergency Departments.
To help guide empiric treatment of infants ≤60 days old with suspected invasive bacterial infection by describing pathogens and their antimicrobial susceptibilities. ⋯ For most infants ≤60 days old evaluated in a pediatric emergency department for suspected invasive bacterial infection, the combination of ampicillin plus either gentamicin or a third-generation cephalosporin is an appropriate empiric antimicrobial treatment regimen. Of the pathogens isolated from infants with invasive bacterial infection, 11% were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins alone.