Bmc Health Serv Res
Bmc Health Serv Res · Jan 2006
Randomized Controlled TrialCESAR: conventional ventilatory support vs extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory failure.
An estimated 350 adults develop severe, but potentially reversible respiratory failure in the UK annually. Current management uses intermittent positive pressure ventilation, but barotrauma, volutrauma and oxygen toxicity can prevent lung recovery. An alternative treatment, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, uses cardio-pulmonary bypass technology to temporarily provide gas exchange, allowing ventilator settings to be reduced. While extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is proven to result in improved outcome when compared to conventional ventilation in neonates with severe respiratory failure, there is currently no good evidence from randomised controlled trials to compare these managements for important clinical outcomes in adults, although evidence from case series is promising. ⋯ Analysis will be based on intention to treat. A concurrent economic evaluation will also be performed to compare the costs and outcomes of both treatments.
Bmc Health Serv Res · Jan 2006
The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire: psychometric properties, benchmarking data, and emerging research.
There is widespread interest in measuring healthcare provider attitudes about issues relevant to patient safety (often called safety climate or safety culture). Here we report the psychometric properties, establish benchmarking data, and discuss emerging areas of research with the University of Texas Safety Attitudes Questionnaire. ⋯ The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire demonstrated good psychometric properties. Healthcare organizations can use the survey to measure caregiver attitudes about six patient safety-related domains, to compare themselves with other organizations, to prompt interventions to improve safety attitudes and to measure the effectiveness of these interventions.
Bmc Health Serv Res · Jan 2006
Profit and loss analysis for an intensive care unit (ICU) in Japan: a tool for strategic management.
Accurate cost estimate and a profit and loss analysis are necessary for health care practice. We performed an actual financial analysis for an intensive care unit (ICU) of a university hospital in Japan, and tried to discuss the health care policy and resource allocation decisions that have an impact on critical intensive care. ⋯ These methods are useful for determining the profits or losses for the ICU practice, and how to evaluate and to improve it. In this study, the results indicate that most ICUs in Japanese hospitals may not be profitable at the present time. As a result, in order to increase the income to make up for this deficit, an increase of 437 patient days in the ICU in one fiscal year is needed, and the number of patients admitted to the ICU should thus be increased without increasing the number of beds or staff members. Increasing the number of patients referred from cooperating hospitals and clinics therefore appears to be the best strategy for achieving these goals.
Bmc Health Serv Res · Jan 2006
A cluster-randomized educational intervention to reduce inappropriate prescription patterns for elderly patients in general practice--The Prescription Peer Academic Detailing (Rx-PAD) study [NCT00281450].
Age-related alterations in metabolism and excretion of medications increase the risk of adverse drug events in the elderly. Inappropriate polypharmacy and prescription practice entails increased burdens of impaired quality of life and drug related morbidity and mortality. The main objective of this trial is to evaluate effects of a tailored educational intervention towards general practitioners (GPs) aimed at supporting the implementation of a safer drug prescribing practice for elderly patients > or = 70 years. ⋯ Improvement of prescription patterns in medical practice is a challenging task. Evidence suggests that a thorough evaluation of diagnostic indications for drug treatment in the elderly and/or a reduction of potentially inappropriate drugs may impose significant clinical benefits. Our hypothesis is that an educational intervention program will be effective in improving prescribing patterns for elderly patients in GP settings.
Bmc Health Serv Res · Jan 2006
Determinants for receiving acupuncture for LBP and associated treatments: a prospective cohort study.
Acupuncture is a frequently used but controversial adjunct to the treatment of chronic low back pain (LBP). Acupuncture is now considered to be effective for chronic LBP and health care systems are pressured to make a decision whether or not acupuncture should be covered. It has been suggested that providing such services might reduce the use of other health care services. Therefore, we explored factors associated with acupuncture treatment for LBP and the relation of acupuncture with other health care services. ⋯ Receiving acupuncture for LBP depends mostly on the availability of the treatment. It is associated with increased use of other health services even after adjustment for patient characteristics. In our study, we found that receiving acupuncture does not offset the use of other health care resources. A significant proportion of patients who received did not meet the so far only known selection criterion (chonicity). Acupuncture therapy might be a reflection of helplessness in both patients and health care providers.