Bmc Health Serv Res
Bmc Health Serv Res · May 2018
Will the reformed Cancer Drugs Fund address the most common types of uncertainty? An analysis of NICE cancer drug appraisals.
One of the functions of the reformed Cancer Drugs Fund in England is as a managed access fund, providing conditional funding for cancer drugs where there is uncertainty in the economic case, and where that uncertainty can be addressed by data collection during two years' use in the NHS. Our study characterises likely sources of such uncertainty, through a review of recent NICE Technology Appraisals. ⋯ The reformed CDF is an improvement on its predecessor. However the main types of uncertainty seen in recent cancer appraisals will not readily be resolved solely by 2 years' RWD collection in the reformed CDF; where there are no ongoing trials to provide longer-term data, randomised trials rather than RWD may be needed to fully resolve questions of relative efficacy. Other types of uncertainty, and concerns with generalisability, may be more amenable to the RWD approach, and it is these that we expect to be the focus of data collection arrangements in the reformed CDF.
Bmc Health Serv Res · May 2018
Applying the consolidated framework for implementation research to identify barriers affecting implementation of an online frailty tool into primary health care: a qualitative study.
Frailty is associated with multi-system deterioration, and typically increases susceptibility to adverse events such as falls. Frailty can be better managed with early screening and intervention, ideally conducted in primary health care (PHC) settings. This study used the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) as an evaluation framework during the second stage piloting of a novel web-based tool called the Frailty Portal, developed to aid in the screening, identification, and care planning of frail patients in community PHC. ⋯ Structuring our evaluation around the CFIR was instrumental in identifying multi-level factors that will affect large-scale adoption of the Frailty Portal in PHC practices. Incorporating CFIR constructs into evaluation instruments can flag factors likely to impede future implementation and impact the effectiveness of innovative practices. Future research is encouraged to identify how best to facilitate changes in PHC practices to address frailty and to use implementation frameworks that honor the complexity of implementing innovations in PHC.
Bmc Health Serv Res · May 2018
The role of health literacy in explaining the association between educational attainment and the use of out-of-hours primary care services in chronically ill people: a survey study.
Low socioeconomic status (SES) is persistently associated with poor health and suboptimal use of healthcare services, and more unplanned healthcare use. Suboptimal use of emergency and acute healthcare services may increase health inequalities, due to late diagnosis or lack of continuity of care. Given that health literacy has been associated with healthcare utilisation and with education attainment, we sought to explore whether health literacy is related to the use of out-of-hours (OOH) Primary Care Services (PCSs). Additionally, we aimed to study whether and to what extent health literacy accounts for some of the association between education and OOH PSC use. ⋯ Several aspects of health literacy were demonstrated to relate to PCS use, and partly accounted for educational differences herein. Accordingly, developing health literacy within individuals or communities may help to reduce inappropriate PCS use among people with low education.
Bmc Health Serv Res · May 2018
Opposite trends in hospitalization and mortality after implementation of a chronic care model-based regional program for the management of patients with heart failure in primary care.
The chronic care model (CCM) is an established framework for the management of patients with chronic illness at the individual and population level. Its application has been previously shown to improve clinical outcome in several conditions, but the prognostic impact of CCM-based programs for the management of patients with chronic heart failure (HF) in primary care is still to be elucidated. ⋯ Implementation of a CCM-based program for the management of HF patients in primary care led to reduced mortality and increased HF hospitalization. These findings support the hypothesis that the beneficial effects of CCM on survival might be extended to patients with chronic HF followed in primary care, but also support the need for further strategies aimed at improving the management of these patients in terms of hospitalizations.
Bmc Health Serv Res · May 2018
Revisiting out-of-pocket requirements: trends in spending, financial access barriers, and policy in ten high-income countries.
Countries rely on out-of-pocket (OOP) spending to different degrees and employ varying techniques. The article examines trends in OOP spending in ten high-income countries since 2000, and analyzes their relationship to self-assessed barriers to accessing health care services. The countries are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. ⋯ There is a need for better understanding the root causes of OOP spending. This will require data collection that is broken down into OOP resulting from cost sharing and OOP resulting from direct payments (due to underinsurance and lacking benefits). Moreover, data should be disaggregated by consumer groups (e.g. income-level or health status). Only then can we better link the data to specific policies and suggest effective solutions to policy makers.