Int J Health Serv
World Bank loan policies in Mozambique have almost killed off the country's cashew-processing industry by requiring the removal of the export tariff on raw cashews, a tax that Mozambique had instituted to ensure the cashew supply for local factories.
International scientific organizations have been subject to repeated efforts by Canadian government officials and representatives of the asbestos industry to issue reports that would be favorable to the industry on questions of asbestos use and public health implications. In recent years these efforts have been met with international opposition from scientists, governments, unions, and environmental groups, and a pattern of improprieties, often involving the same individuals and tactics, has emerged. This has been a serious threat to scientific objectivity at the most respected international scientific bodies in the world. The manipulation of these international organizations takes on unprecedented significance in this age of the World Trade Organization.
The governance and management of global health institutions, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), are under increasing critical scrutiny. This management case study explores the first year of transformation at the WHO under Director-General Dr. ⋯ This is a story about transition in a difficult, politically fraught, and management-resource-constrained environment. In the search for appropriate management paradigms, organizations such as the WHO may believe that the answers lie in harsh reengineering and the search for high-profile "success stories." Ironically, global business has moved away from such approaches and is far more focused on collaboration, empowerment, and knowledge sharing.
Britain's New Labour government has consolidated its reform of the National Health Service with an ambitious NHS Plan that links investment in staff, new buildings, and new technology to delivery of a modernization agenda combining consumerist and public health agendas. The fundamental principles of the NHS are preserved, but within a regulatory structure of a managed market. The author outlines the changes proposed and the possible responses of different stakeholders.