Qual Saf Health Care
Qual Saf Health Care · Apr 2005
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialEffect on the process of care of an active strategy to implement clinical guidelines on physiotherapy for low back pain: a cluster randomised controlled trial.
To evaluate the effect on the process of care of an active strategy to implement clinical guidelines on physiotherapy for low back pain. ⋯ The active strategy moderately improved adherence to the guidelines. Active strategies are recommended to implement the clinical guidelines on physiotherapy for low back pain.
Qual Saf Health Care · Apr 2005
Comparative StudyPursuing integration of performance measures into electronic medical records: beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist medications.
Electronic medical records seldom integrate performance indicators into daily operations. Assessing quality indicators traditionally requires resource intensive chart reviews of small samples. We sought to use an electronic medical record to assess use of beta-adrenergic antagonist medications (beta-blockers) following myocardial infarction, to compare a standardized manual assessment with assessment using electronic medical records, and to discuss potential for future integration of performance indicators into electronic records. ⋯ An electronic medical records system can be used instead of chart review to measure use of beta-blockers after myocardial infarction. This should lead to integration of real time automated performance measurement into electronic medical records.
Qual Saf Health Care · Apr 2005
Insights from the sharp end of intravenous medication errors: implications for infusion pump technology.
Intravenous (IV) medication errors are a common type of error identified in hospitals and can lead to considerable harm. Over the past 20 years there have been several hundred FDA reported incidents involving IV pumps, many of which have led to patient deaths. ⋯ Medication errors associated with IV pumps occur frequently, have the potential to cause harm, and are epidemiologically diverse. Smart pumps are a necessary component of a comprehensive safe medication system. However, currently available smart pumps will fail to generate meaningful improvements in patient safety until they can be interfaced with other systems such as the electronic medical record, computerized prescriber order entry, bar coded medication administration systems, and pharmacy information systems. Future research should focus on the effectiveness of new technology in preventing latent and active errors, and on new types of error that any technology can introduce.
Qual Saf Health Care · Apr 2005
Implementing a national strategy for patient safety: lessons from the National Health Service in England.
Improving patient safety has become a core issue for many modern healthcare systems. However, knowledge of the best ways for government initiated efforts to improve patient safety is still evolving, although there is considerable commonality in the challenges faced by countries. ⋯ The paper identifies a range of policy "levers" (forces for change) that can be used to support the implementation of the national safety initiative and, in particular, discusses the strengths and limitations of the "business case" approach that has attracted recent interest. The paper offers insights into the implementation of national patient safety goals that should provide learning for other countries.