Psychiat Danub
In this editorial we will first use the findings of epidemiological research to show that the closer we get to brain dysfunction, the higher is the suicide risk (Where?). Secondly, a distinction will be made between the proximate and ultimate causation of suicide behaviour as a biological phenomenon (Why?). Using the evolutionary psychiatry approach, the ultimate causation of suicide could answer the question why does suicidal behaviour exist at all? Third, we will review the most attractive recent molecular genetic findings in the field of suicidology genetics (How?). These three perspectives will in turn lead us to summarise where, why and how suicide risk is generated?
Comparative Study
Metabolic syndrome and depression in war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and metabolic syndromes are growing public health problems in post-war countries. Understanding the co-morbidity among PTSD, depression and metabolic syndrome has an important clinical and theoretical issue. ⋯ PTSD is frequently comorbid with depression, and when the two disorders co-occur, the risk for metabolic syndrome is increased. Treatment of war veterans with PTSD should address co-morbid depression and metabolic syndrome as well as the clinical features of PTSD.
Comparative Study
Post traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety among family medicine residents after 1992-95 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The traumatic events experienced in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-1995 conflict may have a lasting effect on the mental health of the citizens, characterized by high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. A diagnosis of PTSD, depression, and anxiety among family physician residents could affect their ability to diagnose and treat patients for depression, anxiety and PTSD. ⋯ PTSD prevalence of 10.3% and depression and anxiety prevalence of 21.8%, was found. The anxiety symptoms score was significantly higher amongst FMR who were GPs (1.69+/-0.66) than medical students (1.40+/-0.41, t-test=2.219, P=0.029) during the war.