J Am Board Fam Med
Increased use of telemedicine could potentially streamline influenza diagnosis and reduce transmission. However, telemedicine diagnoses are dependent on accurate symptom reporting by patients. If patients disagree with clinicians on symptoms, previously derived diagnostic rules may be inaccurate. ⋯ Patients and clinicians frequently disagree about symptom presence, which leads to reduced accuracy when CDRs built with clinician data are applied to patient-reported symptoms. Predictive models using patient-reported symptom data performed worse than models using clinician-reported data and prior results in the literature. However, the differences are minor, and developing new models with more data may be possible.
Implementation of Social Isolation Screening and an Integrated Community Resource Referral Platform.
Screening and referral programs for social isolation and loneliness in older patients increased during the COVID-19 pandemic in primary care settings to mitigate associated adverse health outcomes. This study explores community health centers' experiences implementing a social isolation and loneliness screening program involving a community resource referral platform integrated into the electronic health record to support referrals. ⋯ Screening older patients for social isolation could increase care team awareness of social risk; assistance related referral options should be considered carefully.
With the passage of the MAT act (Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment) and the MATE Act (Medication Training and Expansion), the Drug Enforcement Agency "X-waiver" program governing the office-based prescription of buprenorphine for opioid use disorder has been immediately eliminated. The move was championed by vocal organizations with a rightful concern about buprenorphine access but was opposed by most physicians. Nonetheless, buprenorphine can now be prescribed like any schedule 3 medication. ⋯ Concerns include the elimination of the only focused opioid use disorder education many physicians receive (X-waiver courses) and a literature base showing that interest, rather than the X-waiver itself, remains the biggest barrier to recruiting more buprenorphine prescribers. Concerns also exist over the harms of precipitated withdrawal when buprenorphine is initiated inappropriately. The change of the elimination of the X-waiver brings about a new opportunity for Family Medicine and its parent organizations to champion the inclusion of opioid use disorder treatment within the chronic disease care models well-known to our integrated care settings.
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, primary care adopted telehealth rapidly to preserve access. Although policy flexibilities persist, but with in-person access restored, insight regarding long-term policy reform is needed for equitable access, especially for underserved, low income, and rural populations. ⋯ Findings demonstrate the importance of both phone and video visits in preserving primary care access early in the pandemic. Telehealth use declined in late COVID, but still accounted for ∼20% of primary care visits in the commercially insured setting and less than 10% of visits in the community care clinics. Differences in telehealth use were largely by setting, reflecting income/insurance status, indicating disparities needing to be addressed.
In this issue of the Journal, several articles evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of telemedicine. Evidence demonstrates that telemedicine is not equally effective for all clinical situations. ⋯ Two studies report on the effects of the pandemic on the mental health of subpopulations. The impact of changing insurance status on chronic disease diagnoses, the implications of eliminating the X-waiver, and trends in early career family physician salaries are also studied.