Plos One
Violence against health care workers is a major issue in health care organisations and is estimated to affect 95% of workers, presenting an enormous risk for workers and employers. Current interventions generally aim at managing rather than preventing or minimising violent incidents. To create better-targeted interventions, it has been suggested to shift attention to the perpetrators of violence. The aim of this study was to identify and discuss the perceptions, held by Emergency Department nurses, about perpetrators of occupational violence and aggression. ⋯ Based on the focus groups with Emergency Department nurses we conclude that violence at work is an everyday danger for Emergency Department nurses, who feel vulnerable and recognise that it is not within their power to solve this issue given the societal component. Our conclusion is that attention needs to shift from equipping workers with tools to manage violence to the perpetrator and the development of interventions to reduce violence from targeted perpetrator groups.
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
A phenomenological study on the lived experiences of families of ICU patients, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Family-centered care of ICU patients is increasingly recommended as it is believed to have effect on family members' psychosocial status and patient outcomes. Defining the nature and extent of families' involvement in a given health care environment for different stakeholders is a challenge. Understanding the lived experiences of families of ICU patients would help strategize on how to better engage family members for improved ICU care processes and outcomes. ⋯ The study gave an insight on the multiple and interrelated challenges faced by families of ICU patients admitted in the hospitals of Addis Ababa. Further contextualized interpretation of their experiences revealed that families were somehow in a state of despair and they implicitly need the ICU care for their family member be ended irrespective of the potential clinical consequences on the patient. The philosophy of family-centered care be advocated in hospitals. The study result affirms the need to include family members during nursing assessment of patients in ICUs and also offers the basis for guidelines development on informational support to the families of the patients hospitalized in ICUs.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Audit of pre-operative antibiotic prophylaxis usage in elective surgical procedures in two teaching hospitals, Islamabad, Pakistan: An observational cross-sectional study.
An audit of the antibiotic prophylaxis in surgical procedures is the basic area of antimicrobial stewardship programme. The current research aimed to evaluate the adherence-proportion of the pre-operative antibiotic prophylaxis (PAP) practices in common elective surgical procedures. It was an eight-month (January 2017 to August 2017) observational cross-sectional patients' treatment record-based study conducted at two tertiary care teaching hospitals of Islamabad, Pakistan. ⋯ Most of the patients received ceftriaxone, a third-generation cephalosporin that is no longer recommended by the latest international guidelines. The current analysis revealed an alarmingly poor adherence rate with the guidelines in the three elective surgical procedures at both hospitals. To improve the situation, training and awareness programs about the antimicrobial stewardship interventions on the institutional level may be valuable.
Protocols for "Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)" are on the rise in different surgical disciplines and represent one of the most important recent advancements in perioperative medical care. In cardiac surgery, only few ERAS protocols have been described in the past. At University Heart Center Hamburg, Germany, we invented an ERAS protocol for patients undergoing minimally invasive cardiac valve surgery. ⋯ The adherence to the ERAS protocol was high and neither protocol related complications nor in-hospital mortality occurred. 12% of the patients developed postoperative atrial fibrillation, postoperative delirium emerged in two patients and reintubation was required in one patient. Intensive care unit stay was 14.0±7.4 hours and total hospital stay 6.2±2.9 days. Our ERAS protocol is feasible and safe in minimally-invasive cardiac surgery setting and has a clear potential to improve patients outcome.
Observational Study
Identifying critically ill children at high risk of acute kidney injury and renal replacement therapy.
Acute kidney injury (AKI), a common complication in paediatric intensive care units (PICU), is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. In this single centre, prospective, observational cohort study, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in urine (uNGAL) and plasma (pNGAL) and renal angina index (RAI), and combinations of these markers, were assessed for their ability to predict severe (stage 2 or 3) AKI in children and young people admitted to PICU. In PICU children and young people had initial and serial uNGAL and pNGAL measurements, RAI calculation on day 1, and collection of clinical data, including serum creatinine measurements. ⋯ The optimal combination of measures was RAI and day 1 uNGAL, giving an AUC of 0∙80 for severe AKI prediction (95% CI 0∙71, 0∙88). In this heterogenous PICU cohort, urine or plasma NGAL in isolation had poorer prediction accuracy for severe AKI than in previously reported homogeneous populations. However, when combined together with RAI, they produced good prediction for severe AKI.