Plos One
Randomized Controlled Trial
Prognostic indicators for poor outcomes in low back pain patients consulted in primary care.
Non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) is the most prevalent musculoskeletal condition in western countries and is associated with persistent disability and high consumption of health care resources. NSLBP patients first seek primary health care services but the outcomes are often uncertain. This study aimed to examine the clinical course of the outcomes and to identify prognostic indicators for poor outcomes in NSLBP patients who consulted primary care. ⋯ A large proportion of LBP patients seeking primary health care reported poor outcomes 6 months after GP consultation. Patients who report chronic LBP, maladaptive psychosocial factors and are unemployed have a significant increase in the risk of poor outcome. These findings suggest the need of implementing effective models of care able to provide early screening and appropriate treatment to those at greatest risk of a poor outcome.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Treatment outcomes of Pumani bubble-CPAP versus oxygen therapy among preterm babies presenting with respiratory distress at a tertiary hospital in Tanzania-Randomised trial.
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is the most common respiratory disease in premature babies and the major cause of morbidity and mortality among preterm babies. Effective treatment of these babies requires exogenous surfactant and/or mechanical ventilation but these are of limited availability in low and middle income countries. A cheaper, simpler and more accessible treatment for preterms with RDS called bubble-continuous positive airway pressure (bCPAP) has been reported to be effective in treating RDS in preterm babies with varying levels of effectiveness ranging from 42% to 85%. We aimed to implement and determine the efficacy of bCPAP and its immediate outcomes as compared to oxygen therapy in preterm babies presenting with respiratory distress at a tertiary hospital in Tanzania. ⋯ This study revealed that treatment with bCPAP had a 30% clinical improvement in survival to discharge. Our findings highlight the role of bCPAP in reducing neonatal mortality in resource limited settings but further adequately powered studies in this or similar settings are required.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Lung-protective properties of expiratory flow-initiated pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation: A randomised controlled trial.
Expiratory flow-initiated pressure-controlled inverse ratio ventilation (EF-initiated PC-IRV) reduces physiological dead space. We hypothesised that EF-initiated PC-IRV would be lung protective compared with volume-controlled ventilation (VCV). ⋯ There were no differences in the lung-protective properties between the two ventilatory strategies. However, EF-initiated PC-IRV reduced physiological dead space rate; thus, it may be useful for reducing the ventilatory volume that is necessary to maintain normocapnia in patients with low forced vital capacity (% predicted) during robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Continuous wound infiltration versus epidural analgesia for midline abdominal incisions - a randomized-controlled pilot trial (Painless-Pilot trial; DRKS Number: DRKS00008023).
To test the feasibility of a randomized controlled study design comparing epidural analgesia (EDA) with continuous wound infiltration (CWI) in respect to postoperative complications and mobility to design a future multicentre randomized controlled trial. ⋯ This trial confirmed the feasibility of a randomized trial design to compare CWI and EDA regarding morbidity. Improvements in the education and training of team members are necessary to improve recruitment.
Randomized Controlled Trial
The impact of a randomized controlled trial of a lifestyle intervention on postpartum physical activity among at-risk hispanic women: Estudio PARTO.
To assess the impact of a culturally modified, motivationally targeted, individually-tailored intervention on postpartum physical activity (PA) and PA self-efficacy among Hispanic women. ⋯ In this randomized trial among high-risk Hispanic women, both groups benefitted from participation in a postpartum intervention.