Gram-negative organisms that are resistant to parenteral antibiotics are a growing threat to hospitalized patients. This study was conducted to define the epidemiologic characteristics of these organisms during a nonoutbreak period in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). ⋯ During endemic periods, acquisition of antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative bacilli in the NICU may occur very soon after admission, but colonization continues over many weeks of NICU stay. The duration of colonization with resistant bacilli is short, and horizontal transmission is unusual. These characteristics suggest a gradual but temporary incorporation of these organisms from the NICU environment into the nascent newborn microflora over time with little cross-colonization. These observations may aid the rational development of infection-control strategies to contain the reservoir of resistant Gram-negative organisms in the NICU.antibiotic resistance, Gram-negative bacilli, neonatal intensive care, antibiotic utilization, colonization, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Similar effects on infants of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids supplementation to pregnant and lactating women.
There have been indications that high intake of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) during pregnancy may increase birth weight and gestational length. In addition, n-3 long-chain PUFAs may be important for the neurobiological development of the infants. High levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n-3) are found in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex and in the retina, and it seems as if the availability of long-chain PUFAs may be limiting cerebral development. The fetus and the newborn are dependent on a high supply from their mothers, either via the placenta or via breast milk. We supplemented pregnant and lactating women with n-3 or n-6 long-chain PUFAs to evaluate the effect on birth weight, gestational length, and infant development. ⋯ This study shows neither harmful nor beneficial effects of maternal supplementation of long-chain n-3 PUFAs regarding pregnancy outcome, cognitive development, or growth, as compared with supplementation with n-6 fatty acids. However, it confirms that DHA concentration may be related to gestational length and cerebral maturation of the newborn.
Autism is a severe developmental disorder with poorly understood etiology. A recently published case series describes 3 autistic children with gastrointestinal symptoms who underwent endoscopy and intravenous administration of secretin and were subsequently noted by their parents to demonstrate improved language skills over a 5-week period. This report sparked tremendous public interest, and investigators at several sites moved quickly to design controlled trials to test the efficacy of secretin as a therapy for autistic children. However, this is the first effort specifically designed to replicate the initial reported findings in terms of patient age, presenting symptoms, and drug administration. ⋯ The results of our pilot study indicate that intravenous secretin had no effects in a 5-week period on the language and behavior of 20 children with autism and gastrointestinal symptoms. The open-label, prospective design of our study with blinded reviews of patients both before and after secretin administration follows the scientific method by seeking to reproduce an observed phenomenon using validating and reliable outcome measures. Pilot studies remain a mandatory step for the design of future randomized, clinical trials investigating potential treatments for children with autism.
To compare brain temperature and cerebral blood flow (CBF) during head and body cooling, with and without systemic hypoxemia. ⋯ Brain hypothermia achieved through head or body cooling results in different brain temperature gradients. Alterations in systemic variables (ie, hypoxemia) alters brain temperature differently in these 2 modes of brain cooling. The mode of brain cooling may affect the efficacy of modest hypothermia as a neuroprotective therapy.
Upper airway obstruction from a retropharyngeal mass requires urgent evaluation. In children, the differential diagnosis includes infection, trauma, neoplasm, and congenital abnormalities. Aberrant cervical thymic tissue, although occasionally observed on autopsy examination, is rarely clinically significant. We present the case of an infant with respiratory distress attributed to aberrant thymic tissue located in the retropharyngeal space. ⋯ Aberrant cervical thymic tissue may be cystic or solid. Cystic cervical thymus is more common, and 6% of these patients present with symptoms of dyspnea or dysphagia. Aberrant solid cervical thymus usually presents as an asymptomatic anterior neck mass. This case is unusual in that solid thymic tissue was located in the retropharynx, a finding not previously reported in the English literature. Additionally, the patient presented in acute respiratory distress, and the diagnosis was confounded by the presence of mild laryngomalacia. In retrospect, our patient likely had symptoms of intermittent upper airway obstruction since birth. The acute respiratory distress at presentation was likely the result of laryngomalacia exacerbated by the presence of aberrant thymic tissue and a superimposed viral infection. Aberrantly located thymic tissue arises as a consequence of migrational defects during thymic embryogenesis. The thymus is a paired organ derived from the third and, to a lesser extent, fourth pharyngeal pouches. After its appearance during the sixth week of fetal life, it descends to a final position in the anterior mediastinum, adjacent to the parietal pericardium. Aberrant thymic tissue results when this tissue breaks free from the thymus as it migrates caudally. Therefore, aberrant thymic tissue may be found in any position along a line from the angle of the mandible to the sternal notch, and in the anterior mediastinum to the level of the diaphragm. In an autopsy study of 3236 children, abnormally positioned thymic tissue was found in 34 cases (1%). The aberrant thymus was most often located near the thyroid gland (n = 19 cases) but was also detected lower in the anterior neck (n = 6 cases), higher in the anterior neck (n = 8 cases), and at the left base of the skull (n = 1 case). The presence of thymic tissue in the retropharyngeal space in our patient is more unusual given the typical embryologic origin and descent of the thymus in the anterior neck to the mediastinum. Children with aberrant thymus may have associated anomalies. Twenty-four of 34 children (71%) with aberrant thymus detected at autopsy had features consistent with DiGeorge syndrome, and only 5 of the remaining 10 patients had a normal mediastinal thymus present. Our patient had normal serum calcium levels after excision and a mediastinal thymus was visualized on MRI. Biospy is required for diagnosis of cervical thymus and should also be considered to exclude other causes. MRI is helpful in delineating the presence, position, and extent of thymic tissue. Immunologic sequelae or recurrence after resection of an aberrant cervical thymus has not been reported.