Meta Analysis
MRSA colonization and risk of infection in the neonatal and pediatric ICU: a meta-analysis.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in NICUs and PICUs. Our objective was to assess the burden of MRSA colonization on admission, study the time trends, and examine the significance of MRSA colonization in this population. ⋯ In the NICU and PICU, there are carriers of MRSA on admission, and MRSA colonization in the NICU is almost exclusively associated with outborn neonates. Importantly, despite infection control measures, the acquisition rate is high, and patients colonized with MRSA on admission are more likely to suffer a MRSA infection during hospitalization.
This multiorganizational literature review was undertaken to provide an evidence base for determining whether recommendations for out-of-hospital termination of resuscitation could be made for children who are victims of traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest. Although there is increasing acceptance of out-of-hospital termination of resuscitation for adult traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest when there is no expectation of a good outcome, children are routinely excluded from state termination-of-resuscitation protocols. ⋯ If there is any doubt as to the circumstances or timing of the traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest, under the current status of limiting termination of resuscitation in the field to persons older than 18 years in most states, resuscitation should be initiated and continued until arrival to the appropriate facility. If the patient has arrested, resuscitation has already exceeded 30 minutes, and the nearest facility is more than 30 minutes away, involvement of parents and family of these children in the decision-making process with assistance and guidance from medical professionals should be considered as part of an emphasis on family-centered care because the evidence suggests that either death or a poor outcome is inevitable.
Accurate recognition of pediatric concussion in the emergency department (ED) is important to ensure appropriate management for safe recovery. The study objective was to determine whether the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Acute Concussion Evaluation (ACE) tools, modified for ED use, improved patient follow-up and post-injury behaviors. ⋯ The ACE tools, modified for ED use, were successfully implemented in the pediatric ED. Post-implementation, increased patient follow-up and improved recall of and adherence to ED discharge recommendations was demonstrated.
Case Reports
Late-onset ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency: treatment and outcome of hyperammonemic crisis.
Hyperammonemic crises in ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTC) can be associated with devastating cerebral edema resulting in severe long-term neurologic impairment and death. We present an 8-year-old boy who had late-onset OTC deficiency in which early and aggressive management of hyperammonemia and associated cerebral edema, including therapeutic hypothermia and barbiturate-induced coma, resulted in favorable neurologic outcome. Our patient presented with vomiting and altered mental status, and was found to have a significantly elevated serum ammonia level of 1561 μmol/L. ⋯ This therapy resulted in stabilization of hyperammonemia and resolution of cerebral edema. Molecular testing later revealed a hemizygous mutation within the OTC gene. Neuropsychological testing 1 year after discharge showed normal intelligence with no visual-motor deficits, minor deficits in working memory and processing speed, and slightly below average processing speed and executive functioning.