Health services research
Health services research · Aug 2005
Multicenter StudyThe quality of the quality indicator of pain derived from the minimum data set.
To examine facility variation in data quality of the level of pain documented in the minimum data set (MDS) as a function of level of hospice enrollment in nursing homes (NHs). ⋯ The examination of data quality of pooled MDS data from multiple NHs is insufficient. Multilevel analysis is needed to elucidate sources of heterogeneity in the quality of MDS data across NHs. Facility characteristics, e.g., hospice use or NH location, are systematically associated with overrated/underrated pain and may bias pain quality indicator (QI) comparisons. To ensure the integrity of QI comparison in the NH setting, the government may need to institute regular audits of MDS data quality.
Health services research · Aug 2005
Multicenter Study Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical TrialAn educational intervention to enhance nurse leaders' perceptions of patient safety culture.
To design a training intervention and then test its effect on nurse leaders' perceptions of patient safety culture. ⋯ Sensitively delivered training initiatives for nurse leaders can help to foster a safety culture. Organizational leadership support for improvement is, however, also critical for fostering a culture of safety. Together, training interventions and leadership support may have the most significant impact on patient safety culture.
Health services research · Aug 2005
Comparative StudyInstitutional variability in a minimal risk, population-based study: recognizing policy barriers to health services research.
To describe (1) the institutional variability in study approval and willingness to obtain federal assurance documents for a federally supported, minimal risk health services research project conducted during the implementation of the Privacy Rule and federalwide assurances, and (2) the potential impact of such policy on selection of research subjects and generalizability of study results. ⋯ There is substantial institutional variability in approval of a minimal risk observational study and in willingness to obtain a federalwide assurance, particularly among community hospitals. Federal research policy involving patient privacy and institutional assurances may be contributing to this variability, which can adversely affect selection of research subjects, disrupt population-based study design, and threaten the generalizability of study results.
Health services research · Aug 2005
Comparative StudyNew York's statistical model accurately predicts mortality risk for veterans who obtain private sector CABG.
To determine whether patients' use of the Veterans Health Administration health care system (VHA) is an independent risk factor for mortality following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in the private sector in New York. ⋯ Although VHA users had a greater illness burden, use of the VHA was not found to be an independent risk factor for mortality following private sector CABG in New York. The New York Department of Health risk adjustment model adequately applies to veterans who obtain CABG in the private sector in New York.