Pediatr Ann
The field of pediatric pain management continues to evolve, with ongoing changes in our appreciation of the impact of pain on our fragile patients, a better understanding of how to assess pain, and refinements of the medications and techniques used to provide analgesia to patients with acute pain of various etiologies. The following article reviews the techniques for the assessment of pain, including various age-specific pain scoring systems. The pharmacological management of pain is discussed, including the use of agents that inhibit prostaglandin formation-nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and acetaminophen-as well as the "weak opioids" that are commonly used when oral administration is feasible for the treatment of mild to moderate pain.
Pediatric hospital medicine (PHM) is moving toward becoming an American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) subspecialty, roughly a decade after its formal inception in 2003. Education has played a central role as the field has evolved. Hospitalists are needed to educate trainees, medical students, residents, fellows, and nurse practitioner and physician assistant students in inpatient pediatric practice. ⋯ PHM educators are changing the educational paradigm to address challenges to traditional education strategies posed by duty hour restrictions and the increasing drive to shorten the duration of the hospitalization. By embracing learning with technology, such as simulation and e-learning with mobile devices, PHM educators can address these challenges as well as respond to learning preferences of millennial learners. The future for PHM education is bright.
The field of pediatric pain management continues to evolve, with ongoing changes in our appreciation of the impact of pain on our fragile patients, a better understanding of how to assess pain, and refinements of the medications and techniques used to provide analgesia to patients with acute pain of various etiologies. The following article reviews the use of intravenous opioid and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. Options to manage specific adverse effects that may occur with opioids are presented.