Pediatr Crit Care Me
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Oct 2019
Multicenter StudyEpidemiology of Clinically Relevant Bleeding in Critically Ill Adolescents.
The epidemiology of clinically relevant bleeding in critically ill adolescents, particularly those who are at high risk of venous thromboembolism, is unclear. In preparation for a randomized clinical trial of pharmacologic prophylaxis against venous thromboembolism, we characterized the epidemiology of clinically relevant bleeding in critically ill adolescents. ⋯ Clinically relevant bleeding is common in critically ill adolescents who are at high risk of venous thromboembolism. Admission for trauma or surgery can be used to stratify the risk of clinically relevant bleeding in these adolescents.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Oct 2019
Observational StudyHealthcare Provider Perceptions of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality During Simulation Training.
To assess the relationship between quantitative and perceived cardiopulmonary resuscitation performance when healthcare providers have access to and familiarity with audiovisual feedback devices. ⋯ Cardiopulmonary resuscitation performance during mock codes does not meet the American Heart Association's quality recommendations. Healthcare providers have poor insight into the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during mock codes despite access to and familiarity with continuous audiovisual feedback.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Oct 2019
Short- and Long-Term Outcomes of Extremely Preterm Infants in Japan According to Outborn/Inborn Birth Status.
Outborn (born outside tertiary centers) infants, especially extremely preterm infants, are at an increased risk of mortality and morbidity in comparison to inborn (born in tertiary centers) infants. Extremely preterm infants require not only skilled neonatal healthcare providers but also highly specialized equipment and environment surroundings. Maternal transport at an appropriate timing must be done to avoid the delivery of extremely preterm infants in a facility without the necessary capabilities. Cases of unexpected deliveries at birth centers or level I maternity hospitals need to be attended emergently. We compared the differences in short- and long-term outcomes between outborn and inborn infants to improve our regional perinatal system. ⋯ The frequency of severe intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis or focal intestinal perforation, and cognitive impairment was significantly higher in outborn infants. Thus, outborn/inborn birth status may play a role in short- and long-term outcomes of extremely preterm infants. However, more data and evaluation of improvement in the current perinatal environment are needed.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Oct 2019
Editorial CommentAnother Outcome Lost to the Benefits of Levosimendan?
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Oct 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyThe Effect of Levosimendan Versus Milrinone on the Occurrence Rate of Acute Kidney Injury Following Congenital Heart Surgery in Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
It has been shown that, in contrast to other inotropic agents, levosimendan improves glomerular filtration rate after adult cardiac surgery. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of levosimendan, compared with milrinone, in preventing acute kidney dysfunction in infants after open-heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. ⋯ Levosimendan compared with milrinone did not reduce the occurrence rate of acute kidney injury in infants after total corrective heart surgery for atrioventricular septal defect, ventricular septal defect, or Tetralogy of Fallot.