Pediatr Crit Care Me
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Jul 2020
The Course of Posttraumatic Stress in Children: Examination of Symptom Trajectories and Predictive Factors Following Admission to Pediatric Intensive Care.
This study investigated trauma symptom trajectories of children 2-16 years old following admission to pediatric intensive care and identified factors that predicted a child's trauma symptom trajectory. ⋯ Children with elevated trauma symptoms postintensive care need timely and effective intervention. The majority of children with high levels of acute symptoms will continue to have chronic, ongoing posttraumatic stress symptoms. In addition, acute maternal distress and preexisting internalizing child behavior predict ongoing psychologic distress after discharge from the PICU. Screening in the acute period post-PICU admission may identify children likely to experience ongoing chronic posttraumatic distress symptoms and enable targeted treatment of children at risk. This is the first study to examine symptom trajectories in children following pediatric intensive care admission and includes a sample of very young children.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Jul 2020
Short- and Long-Term Outcome in Critically Ill Children After Acute Interhospital Transport to a PICU in Sweden.
Data on long-term survival in children after interhospital transport to a PICU are scarce. The main objective was to investigate short- and long-term outcome after acute interhospital transport to a PICU for different age and risk stratification groups. Secondary aims were to investigate whether neonatal patients would have higher mortality and be more resource demanding than older patients. ⋯ This is the first report on long-term survival after acute pediatric interhospital transport. For the entire cohort, there was significant mortality after PICU discharge, especially in multiple transported patients. In contrast, survival in the subgroup of neonatal patients was high after PICU discharge.