Pediatr Crit Care Me
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Jan 2021
ReviewCaring for Critically Ill Children With Suspected or Proven Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection: Recommendations by the Scientific Sections' Collaborative of the European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care.
In children, coronavirus disease 2019 is usually mild but can develop severe hypoxemic failure or a severe multisystem inflammatory syndrome, the latter considered to be a postinfectious syndrome, with cardiac involvement alone or together with a toxic shock like-presentation. Given the novelty of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the causative agent of the recent coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, little is known about the pathophysiology and phenotypic expressions of this new infectious disease nor the optimal treatment approach. ⋯ In this clinical guidance article, we review the current clinical knowledge of coronavirus disease 2019 disease in critically ill children and discuss some specific treatment concepts based mainly on expert opinion based on limited experience and the lack of any completed controlled trials in children at this time.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Jan 2021
Early Use of Antiseizure Medication in Mechanically Ventilated Traumatic Brain Injury Cases: A Retrospective Pediatric Health Information System Database Study.
Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Post-traumatic seizures occur in 25% of children with severe traumatic brain injury and may worsen outcomes. Our objective was to use a retrospective cohort study to examine the association between the early seizure occurrence and the choice of early antiseizure medication in children with traumatic brain injury. ⋯ Early administration of levetiracetam was associated with less-frequent seizure occurrence than early administration of phenytoin in mechanically ventilated children with traumatic brain injury. Additional studies are necessary to determine if the association is causal or due to unmeasured confounders and/or selection bias.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Jan 2021
Biomarkers for Estimating Risk of Hospital Mortality and Long-Term Quality-of-Life Morbidity After Surviving Pediatric Septic Shock: A Secondary Analysis of the Life After Pediatric Sepsis Evaluation Investigation.
The Life After Pediatric Sepsis Evaluation investigation recently reported that one-third of children who survive sepsis experience significant health-related quality-of-life impairment compared with baseline at 1 year after hospitalization. Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk Model is a multibiomarker tool for estimating baseline risk of mortality among children with septic shock. We determined if the Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk Model biomarkers have predictive capacity for estimating the risk of hospital mortality and long-term health-related quality-of-life morbidity among children with community-acquired septic shock. ⋯ Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk Model had modest performance for estimating hospital mortality in an external cohort of children with community-acquired septic shock. The Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk Model biomarkers appear to have utility for estimating the risk of persistent, serious deterioration of health-related quality of life up to 3 months after surviving septic shock. These findings suggest an opportunity to develop a clinical tool for early assignment of risk for long-term health-related quality-of-life morbidity among children who survive septic shock.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Jan 2021
Observational StudyTiming and Cause of Death in Children Following Return of Circulation After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort Study.
To determine timing and cause of death in children admitted to the PICU following return of circulation after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. ⋯ More than half of children who achieve return of circulation after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest died after PICU admission. Of these deaths, two thirds (67%) underwent withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies based on an expected poor neurologic prognosis and did so early after return of circulation. There is a need for international guidelines for accurate neuroprognostication in children after cardiac arrest.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Jan 2021
Observational StudyHemodynamic Response to Fluid Boluses for Hypotension in Children in a Cardiac ICU.
To describe the hemodynamic response to fluid boluses for hypotension in children in a cardiac ICU. ⋯ In children with hypotension in a cardiac ICU, the median dose and duration of fluid boluses were 5 mL/kg and 8 minutes. Peak response occurred shortly following administration and commonly returned to baseline.