Turk Pediatr Arsivi
Turk Pediatr Arsivi · Jan 2019
Evaluation of foreign body aspiration cases in our pediatric intensive care unit: Single-center experience.
Foreign body aspiration is one of the common home accidents that requires urgent diagnosis and treatment, especially in children aged between 1 and 3 years. The type, location, and obstruction level of the aspirated material, age of the patient, and time of diagnosis influence the severity of the clinical picture. In our study, we aimed to evaluate patients who underwent bronchoscopy in our clinic with a diagnosis of foreign body aspiration in light of literature data. ⋯ In the diagnosis of foreign body aspiration, the most important step is maintaining a high index of suspicion. Foreign body aspiration should be considered in patients who present with cough, respiratory distress or cyanosis, unilaterally diminished breath sounds, ronchi or stridor on physical examination, and air trapping on chest X-ray. Bronchoscopy is life-saving in the presence of any suspicious history suggestive foreign body aspiration or refractory pneumonia, even if a physical examination and radiologic findings are normal, especially in high-risk children between 1-3 years old.
Turk Pediatr Arsivi · Jan 2019
Resistant gram-negative infections in a pediatric intensive care unit: a retrospective study in a tertiary care center.
Healthcare-associated infections cause increased morbidity and mortality in intensive care units. In this study, it was aimed to compare infections with multi-drug resistance and extended drug resistance, while evaluating the characteristics of resistant Gram-negative infections in the pediatric intensive care unit in our university hospital. ⋯ Healthcare-associated infections are an important health problem and it is important for infection control committees of hospitals to determine and apply strategies according to hospital colonization in prevention.