Crit Care Resusc
Multicenter Study Comparative Study Observational Study
What do ICU doctors do? A multisite time and motion study of the clinical work patterns of registrars.
To quantify the time that intensive care unit registrars spend on different work tasks with other health professionals and patients and using information resources, and to compare them with those of clinicians in general wards and the emergency department (ED). ⋯ Face-to-face communication and information seeking consume a vast proportion of ICU registrars' time. Multitasking and handling frequent interruptions characterise their work, and such behaviours may create an increased risk of task errors. Electronic clinical information systems may be particularly beneficial in this information-rich environment.
Variations in blood glucose (BG), hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in intensive care unit patients. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) offers the potential to improve BG control, leading to improved patient outcomes. In our product development study, we determined the safety and performance of the GluCath Intravascular CGM System for up to 48 hours in 20 patients admitted to the ICU after cardiac surgery. ⋯ The GluCath system, using quenched fluorescence sensing, was safe and showed acceptable accuracy when deployed for up to 48 hours in ICU patients after elective cardiac surgery.
Observational Study
Initial levels of organ failure, microbial findings and mortality in intensive care-treated primary, secondary and tertiary sepsis.
Analysis of whether patients with primary, secondary and tertiary sepsis, defined by the presence or absence of recent systemic inflammation-inducing events before the onset of sepsis, differ in clinical presentation, microbiological test results, treatment received and outcome. ⋯ Inflammatory insults before the onset of sepsis affect the clinical picture, blood microbial findings, and in non-survivors, the time of death. These results could, if validated in a prospective study, form a basis for a novel and simple strategy for stratifying patients in clinical studies for immunomodulation therapies in sepsis.
Observational Study
Oxygenation targets, monitoring in the critically ill: a point prevalence study of clinical practice in Australia and New Zealand.
Many critically ill patients require supplemental oxygen. However, the optimal oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry (SpO₂) in intensive care unit patients is unknown. ⋯ Our findings suggest a relatively low level of vigilance in relation to prevention of high SpO₂compared with low SpO₂for adult patients in Australian and New Zealand ICUs.
To identify the characteristics of patients with "persistent critical illness" (PerCI), as perceived by Australian and New Zealand intensive care unit clinicians. Patients with PerCI were defined as those whose reason for being in the ICU was now more related to their ongoing critical illness than their original reason for admission to the ICU. ⋯ Patients with PerCI appear to be an identifiable group of ICU patients, with definable characteristics, substantial stress associated with their care, and poor perceived long-term outcomes.