Resp Care
Oxygen use in prehospital care is aimed at treating or preventing hypoxemia. However, excess oxygen delivery has important consequences in select patients, and hyperoxia can adversely impact outcome. ⋯ Oxygen therapy in prehospital care should be provided to patients with hypoxemia and titrated to achieve normoxemia. Changes to the current practice of oxygen delivery in prehospital care are needed.
The beneficial effects of ambulatory home oxygen have been demonstrated since the 1950s, when Cotes and Gibson gave oxygen to ambulatory COPD patients from small portable high pressures cylinders in the United Kingdom. Over the ensuing 7 decades, oxygen has been prescribed to millions of COPD patients in the home setting. Additionally, it is common clinical practice to prescribe supplemental oxygen when chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure not due to COPD (eg, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, kyphoscoliosis, and cystic fibrosis) is present or in patients with hypoxemia at hospital discharge following flares of their underlying chronic respiratory disorder, without any substantial evidence. ⋯ Research conducted in the 1970s and 1980s still provides the basis for clinical decision making and insurance coverage policies regarding long-term oxygen administration. Remarkably, little current research is being conducted to extend our knowledge regarding the indications, mechanisms, and benefits of long-term oxygen therapy. This review will focus on our current knowledge of the end points for supplemental oxygen at home, such as mortality, effects on functional performance, sensation of dyspnea, cognitive function, and quality of life, and highlight areas where future research is needed.
Strategies to support oxygenation can cause substantial harm through lung stretch injury, oxygen toxicity, transfusion risks and cardiac over-stimulation. Traditional goals of maintaining near normal cardiorespiratory parameters are most likely overly simplistic and are insensitive and nonspecific for tissue hypoxic effects. ⋯ We also need to learn better ways of monitoring tissue oxygenation, especially in "mission critical" tissues. Ultimately clinical trials will be needed to determine appropriate oxygenation targets to allow permissive hypoxemia.
Mass casualty events and disasters, both natural and human-generated, occur frequently around the world and can generate scores of injured or ill victims in need of resources. Of the available medical supplies, oxygen remains the critical consumable resource in disaster management. Strategic management of oxygen supplies in disaster scenarios remains a priority. ⋯ The Strategic National Stockpile supplies medications, medical supplies, and equipment to disaster areas, but it does not supply oxygen. Contracted vendors can deliver oxygen to alternate care facilities in disaster areas, in the form of concentrators, compressed gas cylinders, and liquid oxygen. Planning for oxygen needs following a disaster still presents a substantial challenge, but alternate care facilities have proven to be valuable in relieving pressure from the mass influx of patients into hospitals, especially for those on home oxygen who require only an electrical source to power their oxygen concentrator.
Prolonged breathing of very high F(IO(2)) (F(IO(2)) ≥ 0.9) uniformly causes severe hyperoxic acute lung injury (HALI) and, without a reduction of F(IO(2)), is usually fatal. The severity of HALI is directly proportional to P(O(2)) (particularly above 450 mm Hg, or an F(IO(2)) of 0.6) and exposure duration. Hyperoxia produces extraordinary amounts of reactive O(2) species that overwhelms natural anti-oxidant defenses and destroys cellular structures through several pathways. ⋯ During the 1960s, confusion regarding the incidence and relevance of HALI largely reflected such issues as the primitive control of F(IO(2)), the absence of PEEP, and the fact that at the time both ALI and ventilator-induced lung injury were unknown. The advent of PEEP and precise control over F(IO(2)), as well as lung-protective ventilation, and other adjunctive therapies for severe hypoxemia, has greatly reduced the risk of HALI for the vast majority of patients requiring mechanical ventilation in the 21st century. However, a subset of patients with very severe ARDS requiring hyperoxic therapy is at substantial risk for developing HALI, therefore justifying the use of such adjunctive therapies.