Clin Exp Rheumatol
Comparative Study
Expression of glucocorticoid receptor isoforms and associations with serine/arginine-rich protein 30c and 40 in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
To investigate the expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) isoforms in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), confirm the main GR isoforms involving in glucocorticoids (GC) resistance, and explore the associations of GR isoforms with serine/arginine-rich protein (SRp) 30c and SRp40. ⋯ Our data demonstrated that the decreased expression of GRα might be the evidence of high disease activity and help to predict GC resistance. GR-P isoform might be implicated in the development of resistance. Additionally, the preliminary finding suggested that SRp40 might be associated with GRα transcripts in SLE patients.
Non-infectious aortitis often presents with non-specific symptoms leading to inappropriate diagnostic delay. We intend to describe the clinical spectrum and outcome of patients with aortitis diagnosed at a single centre. ⋯ Aortitis is not an uncommon condition. The diagnosis is often delayed. Atypical PMR features, unexplained low back or limb pain, constitutional symptoms along with increased acute phase reactants should be considered 'red flags' to suspect the presence of aortitis.
Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is highly prevalent in patients with mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD). However, little is known about the long-term progression of ILD in MCTD. The aims of this study were to describe pulmonary function test (PFT) and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) results in long-term MCTD patients, to measure changes in PFT and HRCT results over a 10-year period, and to ascertain correlations in functional and imaging data. ⋯ Functional and radiologic alterations suggestive of ILD in long-term MCTD patients are prevalent, mild, and progressed slightly over time. The most sensitive parameters for detecting subtle progression of ILD in MCTD patients are trends in DLCO, quantification of lower-lobes disease by HRCT (lower-lobes %ILD-HRCT score), and qualitative analysis of HRCT imaging.
To study the incidence and prevalence of primary systemic vasculitides (PSV) in the Costa del Sol region (southern Spain) and to compare the major epidemiological studies in PSV with the results obtained in our area. ⋯ The first epidemiological study of PSV in southern Spain corroborates their infrequency, with GCA and AAV as the PSV most often diagnosed. In southern Spain, the incidence and prevalence of PSV are lower than in northern Spain and in countries in the Northern Hemisphere.
Onset of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) can be abrupt with life-threatening manifestations requiring Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission. A high level of suspicion leading to prompt diagnosis is essential. Our objective was to investigate the epidemiologic characteristics and the type of life-threatening manifestations. ⋯ Keeping a high level of suspicion for AAV is mandatory, particularly when treating life-threatening onset manifestations in the ICU. A history of asthma, nasal polyps, eosinophilia and arthralgia should always be investigated. ANCA are negative in about half of cases, therefore clinical expertise and strict collaboration with the rheumatologist are still pivotal.