Gastroen Clin Biol
Secondary polycythemia is a rare condition, which is usually associated to neoplasia or chronic pulmonary disorders. ⋯ Liver haemangioma must be included in rare cause of secondary polycythemia, and surgical resection of the haemangioma should be considered as the standard to induce complete remission.
Letter Case Reports
Nicorandil: a curable cause of anal ulceration to be known...
Mesenteric trauma is one of the possible injuries caused by the use of seat belts in case of motor vehicle crash. We report here a rare case of rectal bleeding by rupture of a mesosigmoid haematoma. An emergent laparotomy revealed a mesosigmoid haematoma with a centimetric rectal perforation. ⋯ When "seat belt mark" sign is found, in patients with mild to severe blunt car injuries, CT-scan has to be realised to eliminate intra-abdominal complications, including mesenteric and mesosigmoid ones. In case of proved mesenteric haematoma associated to intestinal bleeding, a surgical treatment must be considered as first choice. Conservative approach remains possible in stable patients but surgical exploration remains necessary in unstable patients with active bleeding.
Case Reports
Uveitis responding on gluten free diet in a girl with celiac disease and diabetes mellitus type 1.
A 9-year old girl with a history of diabetes mellitus type 1, presented with visual loss of the left eye. The right eye examination was unremarkable. Slit-lamp examination revealed few small and fine keratic precipitates. ⋯ A small bowel biopsy confirmed celiac disease. A gluten free diet was set up and corticosteroids were tapered off. Recovery of the uveitis was obvious during gluten free diet and normalized within two months.