Gastroen Clin Biol
The most recent articles from:
Gastroen Clin Biol
Letter Case Reports
[Diagnosis and treatment of 2 forms of ruptured aneurysm of the splenic artery].
Comparative Study Clinical Trial
[Comparison of push-type endoscopy and barium transit study of the small intestine in digestive bleeding and unexplained iron-deficiency anemia].
A radiological examination of the small bowel is often performed in case of gastrointestinal bleeding of obscure origin. More recently, push-type enteroscopy has been reported as a valuable tool in this indication. The purpose of this study was to compare the diagnosis efficiency of these two procedures. ⋯ Push-type enteroscopy was more effective than small bowel follow-through to detect the origin of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Push-type enteroscopy revealed a cause of bleeding in 35% of patients, located in the small bowel in only 15% of the patients.