Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is the first highly pathogenic human coronavirus to emerge since severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002. Like many coronaviruses, MERS-CoV carries genes that encode multiple accessory proteins that are not required for replication of the genome but are likely involved in pathogenesis. Evasion of host innate immunity through interferon (IFN) antagonism is a critical component of viral pathogenesis. The IFN-inducible oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS)-RNase L pathway activates upon sensing of viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Activated RNase L cleaves viral and host single-stranded RNA (ssRNA), which leads to translational arrest and subsequent cell death, preventing viral replication and spread. Here we report that MERS-CoV, a lineage CBetacoronavirus, and related bat CoV NS4b accessory proteins have phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity and antagonize OAS-RNase L by enzymatically degrading 2',5'-oligoadenylate (2-5A), activators of RNase L. This is a novel function for NS4b, which has previously been reported to antagonize IFN signaling. NS4b proteins are distinct from lineage ABetacoronavirusPDEs and rotavirus gene-encoded PDEs, in having an amino-terminal nuclear localization signal (NLS) and are localized mostly to the nucleus. However, the expression level of cytoplasmic MERS-CoV NS4b protein is sufficient to prevent activation of RNase L. Finally, this is the first report of an RNase L antagonist expressed by a human or bat coronavirus and provides a specific mechanism by which this occurs. Our findings provide a potential mechanism for evasion of innate immunity by MERS-CoV while also identifying a potential target for therapeutic intervention. ⋯ Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is the first highly pathogenic human coronavirus to emerge since severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). MERS-CoV, like other coronaviruses, carries genes that encode accessory proteins that antagonize the host antiviral response, often the type I interferon response, and contribute to virulence. We found that MERS-CoV NS4b and homologs from related lineage C bat betacoronaviruses BtCoV-SC2013 (SC2013) and BtCoV-HKU5 (HKU5) are members of the 2H-phosphoesterase (2H-PE) enzyme family with phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity. Like murine coronavirus NS2, a previously characterized PDE, MERS NS4b, can antagonize activation of the OAS-RNase L pathway, an interferon-induced potent antiviral activity. Furthermore, MERS-CoV mutants with deletion of genes encoding accessory proteins NS3 to NS5 or NS4b alone or inactivation of the PDE can activate RNase L during infection of Calu-3 cells. Our report may offer a potential target for therapeutic intervention if NS4b proves to be critical to pathogenesis inin vivomodels of MERS-CoV infection.
An outbreak of cholera occurred in 1991 in Mexico, where it had not been reported for more than a century and is now endemic. Vibrio cholerae O1 prototype El Tor and classical strains coexist with altered El Tor strains (1991 to 1997). Nontoxigenic (CTX(-)) V. cholerae El Tor dominated toxigenic (CTX(+)) strains (2001 to 2003), but V. cholerae CTX(+) variant El Tor was isolated during 2004 to 2008, outcompeting CTX(-) V. cholerae. Genomes of six Mexican V. cholerae O1 strains isolated during 1991 to 2008 were sequenced and compared with both contemporary and archived strains of V. cholerae. Three were CTX(+) El Tor, two were CTX(-) El Tor, and the remaining strain was a CTX(+) classical isolate. Whole-genome sequence analysis showed the six isolates belonged to five distinct phylogenetic clades. One CTX(-) isolate is ancestral to the 6th and 7th pandemic CTX(+) V. cholerae isolates. The other CTX(-) isolate joined with CTX(-) non-O1/O139 isolates from Haiti and seroconverted O1 isolates from Brazil and Amazonia. One CTX(+) isolate was phylogenetically placed with the sixth pandemic classical clade and the V. cholerae O395 classical reference strain. Two CTX(+) El Tor isolates possessing intact Vibrio seventh pandemic island II (VSP-II) are related to hybrid El Tor isolates from Mozambique and Bangladesh. The third CTX(+) El Tor isolate contained West African-South American (WASA) recombination in VSP-II and showed relatedness to isolates from Peru and Brazil. Except for one isolate, all Mexican isolates lack SXT/R391 integrative conjugative elements (ICEs) and sensitivity to selected antibiotics, with one isolate resistant to streptomycin. No isolates were related to contemporary isolates from Asia, Africa, or Haiti, indicating phylogenetic diversity. ⋯ Sequencing of genomes of V. cholerae is critical if genetic changes occurring over time in the circulating population of an area of endemicity are to be understood. Although cholera outbreaks occurred rarely in Mexico prior to the 1990s, genetically diverse V. cholerae O1 strains were isolated between 1991 and 2008. Despite the lack of strong evidence, the notion that cholera was transmitted from Africa to Latin America has been proposed in the literature. In this study, we have applied whole-genome sequence analysis to a set of 124 V. cholerae strains, including six Mexican isolates, to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Phylogenetic analysis indicated the six V. cholerae O1 isolates belong to five phylogenetic clades: i.e., basal, nontoxigenic, classical, El Tor, and hybrid El Tor. Thus, the results of phylogenetic analysis, coupled with CTXϕ array and antibiotic susceptibility, do not support single-source transmission of cholera to Mexico from African countries. The association of indigenous populations of V. cholerae that has been observed in this study suggests it plays a significant role in the dynamics of cholera in Mexico.