International journal of nursing studies
Review Meta Analysis
Effectiveness of heart failure management programmes with nurse-led discharge planning in reducing re-admissions: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Heart failure (HF) is a clinical condition with major socioeconomic burden. Scientists are trying to find effective solutions to eliminate the effects of the disease and the current innovations in research address the introduction of HF management programmes (HF-MPs). ⋯ The results of the current meta-analysis highlight the potential of HF-MPs with nurse-driven pre-discharge interventions to reduce hospital re-admissions. Essential characteristics or components of a successful HF-MP are still to be determined; thus more studies are required to solve this issue.
Achieving asthma control is central to optimising patient quality of life and clinical outcome. Contemporary models of chronic disease management across a variety of countries point to the importance of micro, meso and macro level influences on patient care and outcome. However, asthma outcomes research has almost invariably concentrated on identifying and addressing patient predictors. Little is known about higher level organisational influences. ⋯ Targeting of health service resource requires knowledge of the factors associated with poor control of asthma symptoms. In the UK the contribution of local and regional structures appears minimal in explaining variation in asthma outcomes. However, unexplained variation in the data suggests other unrecorded factors may play a part. While patient personal characteristics (including self-management plan use, inhaler technique, medication compliance) appear to be the predominant influence the complex nature of the disease means that some, perhaps more subtle, influences are affecting the variability at all levels and this variance needs to be explored. Further research in other international contexts is required to identify the likely applicability of these findings to other health care systems.
Organizational changes in surgical care are requiring patients to become more responsible for their own care, both before and after surgery, and also during recovery. Involving patients in their care is vital to improving quality of care and patient safety. ⋯ The use of the Tell-us card improved patients' participation in some areas of nursing and medical care in the surgical care units. The Tell-us card is an uncomplicated and inexpensive tool that could be an important step towards improved patient participation in the surgical care unit. More research is needed to evaluate the use of the Tell-us card in different hospital units and over a longer period of time.
In the United Kingdom approaching 20% of people aged 85 years and over live in care homes and most will die there. Improving end-of-life care is a government health priority and homes may work with primary care staff and specialist palliative practitioners to provide comprehensive end-of-life care. Consequently effective collaboration between care home and health service practitioners is vital to ensure high quality end-of-life care. ⋯ The Gold Standards Framework in Care Homes programme can contribute towards end-of-life care by helping to improve the quality and quantity of communication and collaboration between nursing home staff and primary care and specialist practitioners. Further research is needed to determine why this was not consistent across all homes.