Arch Ital Biol
Electroencephalographic activity in the context of disorders of consciousness is a swiss knife like tool that can evaluate different aspects of cognitive residual function, detect consciousness and provide a mean to communicate with the outside world without using muscular channels. Standard recordings in the neurological department offer a first global view of the electrogenesis of a patient and can spot abnormal epileptiform activity and therefore guide treatment. Although visual patterns have a prognosis value, they are not sufficient to provide a diagnosis between vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (VS/UWS) and minimally conscious state (MCS) patients. ⋯ Future progress will require large databases of resting state-EEG and ERPs experiment of patients of different etiologies. This will allow the identification of specific patterns related to the diagnostic of consciousness. Standardized procedures in the use of BCIs will also be needed to find the most suited technique for each individual patient.
This paper reviews the current knowledge about the mechanisms of anesthesia-induced alteration of consciousness. It is now evident that hypnotic anesthetic agents have specific brain targets whose function is hierarchically altered in a dose-dependent manner. Higher order networks, thought to be involved in mental content generation, as well as sub-cortical networks involved in thalamic activity regulation seems to be affected first by increasing concentrations of hypnotic agents that enhance inhibitory neurotransmission. ⋯ Thalamo-cortical connectivity into the consciousness networks decreases with increasing concentrations of those agents, and is transformed into an anti-correlated activity between the thalamus and the cortex for the deepest levels of sedation, when the subject is non responsive. Future will tell us whether these brain function alterations are also observed with hypnotic agents that mainly inhibit excitatory neurotransmission. The link between the observations made using fMRI and the identified biochemical targets of hypnotic anesthetic agents still remains to be identified.
'What' do we call consciousness? 'When' and 'Where' in the brain do conscious states occur, and 'How' conscious processing and conscious access to a given content work? In the present paper, we present a non-exhaustive overview of each of these 4 major issues, we provide the reader with a brief description of the major difficulties related to these issues, we highlight the current theoretical points of debate, and we advocate for the explanatory power of the "global workspace" model of consciousness (Baars 1989; Dehaene and Naccache 2001; Dehaene, Changeux et al. 2006) which can accommodate for a fairly large proportion of current experimental findings, and which can be used to reinterpret apparent contradictory findings within a single theoretical framework. Most notably, we emphasize the crucial importance to distinguish genuine neural signatures of conscious access from neural events correlated with consciousness but occurring either before ('upstream') or after ('downstream').
In a recent series of experiments we recorded the electroencephalogram (EEG) response to a direct cortical stimulation in humans during wakefulness, NREM sleep, REM sleep and anesthesia by means of a combination of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and high-density EEG (hd-EEG). TMS/hd-EEG measurements showed that, while during wakefulness and REM sleep the brain is able to sustain long-range specific patterns of activation, during NREM sleep and Midazolam-induced anesthesia, when consciousness fades, this ability is lot: the thalamocortical system, despite being active and reactive, either breaks down in causally independent modules (producing a local slow wave), or it bursts into an explosive and non-specific response (producing a global EEG slow wave). We hypothesize that, like spontaneous sleep slow waves, the slow waves triggered by TMS during sleep and anaesthesia are due to bistability between upand down-states in thalamocortical circuits. ⋯ According to animal experiments and computer simulations, thalamocortical bistability may result from increased K-currents, from alterations of the balance between excitation and inhibition and from partial cortical de-afferentation. We hypothesize that these factor may play an important role in determining loss, and recovery, of consciousness also in brain-injured subjects. If this is the case, some types of brain lesions may impair information transmission, above and beyond the associated anatomical disconnection, by inducing bistability in portions of the thalamocortical system that are otherwise healthy.