The Medical journal of Australia
Comment Letter Comparative Study
Mobile telephone use among Melbourne drivers: a preventable exposure to injury risk.
A previously well 30-year-old man presented with severe progressive back pain, joint pain and fever. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed an epidural abscess. ⋯ Neisseria gonorrhoeae was isolated from a rectal swab and from a wrist aspirate, consistent with disseminated gonococcal infection. The epidural abscess resolved clinically and radiologically after treatment for N. gonorrhoeae with ceftriaxone.
Travel insurers and medical evacuation companies have a responsibility to provide an efficient high-quality service to their clients. These companies often deliver a standard far short of best practice and far short of their promotional brochures. ⋯ Travellers must check with their insurer that the policy they buy truly meets their needs. Some people should not travel overseas.