The Medical journal of Australia
The gold standard for treatment of atopic dermatitis is topical corticosteroids. Parental alternative health beliefs and fear of topical corticosteroids may lead to non-adherence and treatment failure. At the extreme end, such beliefs may result in neglect constituting reportable child maltreatment. We examine the legal repercussions of such abuse in the criminal case resulting from the death of Gloria Sam.
To examine patterns of the sickness certification of workers compensation claimants by general practitioners in Victoria, Australia, by nature of injury or illness. ⋯ The high proportion of medical certificates recommending complete absence from work presents major challenges in terms of return to work, labour force productivity, the viability of the compensation system, and long-term social and economic development. There is substantial variation in the type and duration of medical certificates issued by GPs. People with mental health conditions are unlikely to receive a certificate recommending alternative duties. Further research is required to understand GP certification behaviour.
Rio+20's proposed Sustainable Development Goals have the potential to redefine the course of international action on climate change. They recognise that environmental health is inextricably linked with human health, and that environmental sustainability is of paramount importance in safeguarding global health. Competition entrants were asked to discuss ways of making global health a central component of international sustainable development initiatives and environmental policy, using one or two concrete examples