Front Neural Circuit
Front Neural Circuit · Jan 2013
Reciprocal connectivity between mitral cells and external plexiform layer interneurons in the mouse olfactory bulb.
Proper brain function relies on exquisite balance between excitation and inhibition, where inhibitory circuits play fundamental roles toward sculpting principle neuron output and information processing. In prominent models of olfactory bulb circuitry, inhibition of mitral cells by local interneurons sharpens odor tuning and provides contrast enhancement. Mitral cell inhibition occurs at both mitral cell apical dendrites and deep-layer dendrodendritic synapses between granule cells, the most abundant population of inhibitory interneurons in the olfactory bulb. ⋯ Here, we report a novel circuitry with strong and reciprocal connectivity between a subpopulation of previously uncharacterized Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH)-expressing interneurons located in the external plexiform layer (EPL), and mitral cells. Using cell type-specific genetic manipulations, imaging, optogenetic stimulation, and electrophysiological recordings, we reveal that CRH-expressing EPL interneurons strongly inhibit mitral cell firing, and that they are reciprocally excited by fast glutamatergic mitral cell input. These findings functionally identify a novel subpopulation of olfactory bulb interneurons that show reciprocal connectivity with mitral cells, uncovering a previously unknown, and potentially critical player in olfactory bulb circuitry that may influence lateral interactions and/or facilitate odor processing.
Front Neural Circuit · Jan 2013
Comparative StudyPerirhinal cortical inactivation impairs object-in-place memory and disrupts task-dependent firing in hippocampal CA1, but not in CA3.
Objects and their locations can associatively define an event and a conjoint representation of object-place can form an event memory. Remembering how to respond to a certain object in a spatial context is dependent on both hippocampus and perirhinal cortex (PER). However, the relative functional contributions of the two regions are largely unknown in object-place associative memory. ⋯ We found that the similarity in firing patterns for O-P trials was significantly reduced with MUS compared to control conditions (CTs). Importantly, this was largely because MUS injections affected the O-P firing patterns in CA1 neurons, but not in CA3. The results suggest that PER is critical for goal-directed organization of object-place associative memory in the hippocampus presumably by influencing how object information is associated with spatial information in CA1 according to task demand.
Front Neural Circuit · Jan 2013
Neural activity in mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus in rats performing a working memory task.
The neural circuit consisting of mediodorsal nucleus (MDN) of thalamus and prefrontal cortex (PFC) has been implicated in working memory. In order to investigate whether and how the rodent MDN processes working memory-related signals, we recorded activity of single neurons from the MDN in rats performing a delayed spatial alternation task. ⋯ These results are in contrast to the finding in monkeys that both MDN and PFC persistently maintain task-related neural signals throughout delay period. Our results do not support sustained MDN-PFC interactions as a general mechanism for mediating working memory across different behavioral tasks and/or animal species.
Front Neural Circuit · Jan 2013
Rat whisker motor cortex is subdivided into sensory-input and motor-output areas.
Rodent whisking is an exploratory behavior that can be modified by sensory feedback. Consistent with this, many whisker-sensitive cortical regions project to agranular motor [motor cortex (MI)] cortex, but the relative topography of these afferent projections has not been established. Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) evokes whisker movements that are used to map the functional organization of MI, but no study has compared the whisker-related inputs to MI with the ICMS sites that evoke whisker movements. ⋯ By contrast, AGm microstimulation is more effective in evoking whisker movements than microstimulation of the transitional region between AGm and AGl. The AGm region was also found to contain a larger concentration of corticotectal neurons, which could convey whisker-related information to the facial nucleus. These results indicate that rat whisker MI is comprised of at least two functionally distinct subregions: a sensory processing zone in the transitional region between AGm and AGl, and a motor-output region located more medially in AGm proper.
Front Neural Circuit · Jan 2013
Changes in the expression of GABAA receptor subunit mRNAs in parahippocampal areas after kainic acid induced seizures.
The parahippocampal areas including the subiculum, pre- and parasubiculum, and notably the entorhinal cortex (EC) are intimately involved in the generation of limbic seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy. We investigated changes in the expression of 10 major GABAA receptor subunit mRNAs in subfields of the ventral hippocampus, ventral subiculum, EC, and perirhinal cortex (PRC) at different intervals (1, 8, 30, and 90 days) after kainic acid (KA)-induced status epilepticus priming epileptogenesis in the rat. The most pronounced and ubiquitous changes were a transient (24 h after KA only) down-regulation of γ2 mRNA and lasting decreases in subunit α5, β3, and δ mRNAs that were prominent in all hippocampal and parahippocampal areas. ⋯ Their decrease could be related to decreased tonic inhibition or may merely reflect compensatory changes. In contrast, expression of subunit α4 that may also mediate tonic inhibition when associated with the δ-subunit was significantly upregulated in the DG and in the proximal subiculum at late intervals. Thus, concomitant up-regulation of subunit γ2, α1 and α4 mRNAs (and loss in δ-subunits) ultimately indicates significant rearrangement of GABAA receptor composition after KA-induced seizures.