Funct Neurol
Randomized Controlled Trial
Automated mechanical peripheral stimulation and postural control in subjects with Parkinson's disease and freezing of gait: a randomized controlled trial.
Individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) and freezing of gait (FOG) have impaired postural control. Recent studies using foot sensory stimulation delivered by means of automated mechanical peripheral stimulation (AMPS) have demonstrated improvements of gait in individuals with PD. This study aimed to investigate the effects of AMPS on postural control in individuals with PD and FOG. ⋯ Postural control was assessed by means of posturography before the first and after the eighth session of treatment. We did not find positive effects of AMPS on center of pressure parameters. Thus, it seems that AMPS has no positive effect in terms of improving static postural control in individuals with PD and FOG.
Editorial Historical Article
Back to the future: 30th anniversary of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease.
In recent years the cerebellum has been attributed amore important role in higher-level functions than previously believed. We examined a cohort of patients suffering from cerebellar atrophy resulting in ataxia, with two main objectives: first to investigate which regions of the cerebrum were affected by the cerebellar degeneration, and second to assess whether diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) metrics within the medial (MCP) and superior cerebellar peduncle (SCP) - namely fractional anisotropy (FA) and radial diffusivity (RD) - could be used as a biomarker in patients with this condition. Structural and dMRI data of seven patients with cerebellar atrophy (2 with spinocerebellar atrophy type 2, 1 with Friedreich's ataxia, 4 with idiopathic cerebellar ataxia) and no visible cortical lesions or cortical atrophy were investigated with Freesurfer and voxel-based morphometry (VBM) of gray matter (GM) as well as MCP and SCP FA maps. ⋯ The regions of the cerebrum found to have significantly lower local GM volumes have been described to be involved in higher-level cerebellar functions such as initiation of voluntary movements, emotional control, memory retrieval and general cognition. Our findings corroborate recent research pointing to a more extensive corticocerebellar system than previously thought. The significant difference in the MCP and SCP dMRI metrics between patients and controls as well as the significant correlation with ataxia total score and subscores support the use of dMRI metrics as an imaging biomarker for cerebellar degeneration and ataxia.
Hip fracture is common in the elderly and it is usually associated with comorbidities and physiological changes which may have an impact on functioning and quality of life. The concept of resilience may explain why this impact varies among patients. The aim of this open, prospective cohort study was to explore the relationships between resilience, frailty and quality of life in orthopedic rehabilitation patients, and also to assess whether these factors might affect rehabilitation outcome. ⋯ The role of resilience during rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery in geriatric patients with multiple comorbidities Measure (as a measure of the rehabilitation outcome). A negative correlation between disability and resilience emerged and this association interacted with frailty level. We also found that resilience and quality of life are positive predictors of functional status at discharge.
Long-term oral therapy with levodopa is associated with the development of motor fluctuations and dyskinesia in a large percentage of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Motor complications are associated with a number of non-motor symptoms and have a negative impact on disability and quality of life. There are three therapeutic options available for the management of patients at this advanced stage: high frequency deep brain stimulation, continuous subcutaneous infusion of apomorphine, and continuous intestinal infusion of levodopa/carbidopa. On the basis of published data and in consideration of the risk-benefit profile of current therapeutic strategies, we here propose an algorithm to help clinicians select the most suitable treatment option for patients with advanced PD.