Mol Pain
Acupuncture, as a traditional treatment, has been extensively used in China for thousands of years. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), acupuncture is recommended for the treatment of 77 diseases. And 16 of these diseases are related to inflammatory pain. ⋯ We elucidated on its mechanisms of action on inflammatory pain from two levels: peripheral and central. It includes the mechanisms of acupuncture in the periphery (immune cells and neurons, purinergic pathway, nociceptive ion channel, cannabinoid receptor and endogenous opioid peptide system) and central nervous system (TPRV1, glutamate and its receptors, glial cells, GABAergic interneurons and signaling molecules). In this review, we collected relevant recent studies to systematically explain the mechanisms of acupuncture in treating inflammatory pain, with a view to providing direction for future applications of acupuncture in inflammatory pain and promoting clinical development.
The aversive aspect of pain constitutes a major burden faced by pain patients. This has been recognized by the pain research community, leading to the development of novel methods focusing on affective-motivational behaviour in pain model animals. The most common tests used to assess pain aversion in animals require cognitive processes, such as associative learning, complicating the interpretation of results. ⋯ Finally, we employed the HET paradigm in a generalized opioid-withdrawal pain model. Withdrawal from a brief systemic administration of remifentanil resulted in a long-lasting and robust increase in heat aversion, but no change in reflexive responses to heat. Taken together, these data demonstrate the utility of the HET paradigm as a novel tool in preclinical pain research.
Chronic pain is one of the most common, costly, and potentially debilitating health issues facing older adults, with attributable costs exceeding $600 billion annually. The prevalence of pain in humans increases with advancing age. Yet, the contributions of sex differences, age-related chronic inflammation, and changes in neuroplasticity to the overall experience of pain are less clear, given that opposing processes in aging interact. ⋯ We provide evidence to suggest that neurodegenerative conditions engender a loss of neural plasticity involved in pain response, whereas low-grade inflammation in aging increases CNS sensitization but decreases PNS sensitivity. Insights from preclinical studies are needed to answer mechanistic questions. However, the selection of appropriate aging models presents a challenge that has resulted in conflicting data regarding pain processing and behavioral outcomes that are difficult to translate to humans.
Background: Migraine is a common type of primary headache with disabling brain dysfunction. It has been found that pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) is involved in the pathogenesis of migraine, however, the role of PACAP and its receptors in chronic migraine remains unclear. Therefore, the present study aimed to explore the changes of PACAP and its receptors in different duration after recurrent dural inflammation soup stimulations and to investigate the co-expression between PACAP and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). ⋯ While the co-expression between PACAP and CGRP reached the peak in IS-7 group after repetitive IS stimulation, and then decreased. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that repetitive chemical stimulations induced a gradual decrease of PACAP in the TNC, while the PACAP and PAC1 receptor expression in TG showed dynamical changes of increasing first and then decreasing after repeated IS administration. These results suggested exhaustion of PACAP could be involved in the duration of chronic migraine and implied PACAP may contribute to the pathology of migraine through the PAC1 receptor, which was associated with CGRP.