Minerva ginecologica
Minerva ginecologica · Oct 2019
ReviewOptimizing high risk HPV-based primary screening for cervical cancer in low- and middle-income countries: opportunities and challenges.
Disparities in the incidence and mortality due to cervical cancer between developed and developing countries continue to persist due to suboptimal health care systems in low- to middle-income countries (LMICs) that are unable to implement organized programs for screening which lack the technical, infrastructure and financial resources for adequate coverage and access to quality assured cervical cancer screening services that further reduce their effectiveness. The challenges in introducing quality cytology screening in LMICs led to the evaluation of alternative screening approaches such as visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and human papillomavirus (HPV) testing-based screening. Large-scale clinical trials have generated sufficient evidence of efficacy of HPV-based screening for the introduction as the primary technology in cervical cancer screening. ⋯ But its optimal implementation in public health programmatic settings in LMIC still faces barriers due to high operating cost and logistic challenges. This review summarizes and presents evidence for HPV primary screening leading to higher program efficiency in cervical cancer screening programs. Policy measures and strategies to overcome the resource limitations and weaknesses in health care service delivery in low resource settings need to be assessed and streamlined to leverage the initial high program costs with that of the long term potential benefits for HPV DNA testing to reach its full potential in reducing cervical cancer incidence and mortality.
Minerva ginecologica · Aug 2019
Comparative StudyPostpartum hemorrhage: not only hypertensive disorders in oocyte donation pregnancies.
The aim of the study is to compare the obstetric outcome between single pregnancies obtained by medically-assisted procreation using oocyte donors (MAP-E) versus homologous gametes (MAP-O) and single spontaneous conception pregnancies (SC). ⋯ Most women who undergo MAP-E are in advanced age, representing a high-risk population for obstetric complications, like HPD and PPH, which stands as the main worldwide cause of maternal mortality.
Minerva ginecologica · Apr 2019
Epigenetics and the vaginal microbiome: influence of the microbiota on the histone deacetylase level in vaginal epithelial cells from pregnant women.
Histone deacetylase (HDAC) influences the acetylation status of histones at gene promotor loci, providing an epigenetic mechanism that regulates gene expression. ⋯ We propose that the composition of the vaginal microbiome and level of D-lactic acid, by influencing the HDAC1 level in vaginal epithelial cells, may epigenetically contribute to variations in the concentration of compounds in vaginal fluid.
Spina bifida is the most common non-lethal congenital birth defect of the central nervous system that causes chronic disability due to the combined effects of local nerve damage and the sequelae of non-communicating hydrocephalus. This abnormality can be identified early in gestation and the damage can be progressive over the course of pregnancy. Advances in fetal treatment have made minimally invasive prenatal surgery a realistic consideration for spina bifida in order to improve the outcome for children affected this condition. ⋯ Continued refinement of a minimally invasive strategy for prenatal treatment of spina bifida is necessary to maximize benefits to the child and further minimize maternal risks and preterm birth.