J Zoo Wildlife Med
Seven (three male and four female) 4-7-yr old captive servals (Felis serval) weighing 13.7 +/- 2.3 kg were used to evaluate the cardiopulmonary and anesthetic effects of combined intramuscular injections of medetomidine (47.4 +/- 10.3 microg/kg), ketamine (1.0 +/- 0.2 mg/kg), and butorphanol (0.2 +/- 0.03 mg/kg). Inductions were smooth and rapid (11.7 +/- 4.3 min) and resulted in good muscle relaxation. Significant decreases in heart rate (85 +/- 12 beats/min) at 10 min after injection and respiratory rate (27 +/- 10 breaths/min) at 5 min after injection continued throughout the immobilization period. ⋯ Relative arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) values, indicated by pulse oximetry, were lower than SaO2 values. All animals could be safely handled while sedated. Administration of atipamezole (236.8 +/- 51.2 microg/kg half i.v. and half s.c.), an alpha2 antagonist, resulted in rapid (4.1 +/- 3 min to standing) and smooth recoveries.