Arch Iran Med
High blood pressure is the second most important risk factor of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in Iran. It is imperative to estimate the burden of CVDs that can be averted if high blood pressure is controlled at the population level. The aim of the current study was to estimate the avertable CVD mortality in the setting of Golestan Cohort Study (GCS). ⋯ A very large proportion of CVD deaths can be averted if blood pressure is controlled in Iran. Effective interventions in primary and secondary health care setting are mandatory to be implemented as early as possible.
Alveolar hydatid disease is a highly malignant form of echinococcosis caused by the larvae of the cestode echinococcus multilocularis. Alveolar hydatid disease always affects the liver and can metastasise to the lung and brain. ⋯ The patient, who was presented with hepatomegaly, jaundice, and an infiltrative solid tumor, diagnosed by ultrasound and computed tomography. In contrast to hydatid cyst caused by echinococcus granulosus, this is a rare disease in Iran.
MicroRNAs are involved in key cellular processes regulating, and their misregulation is linked to cancer. The miR-302-367 cluster is exclusively expressed in embryonic stem and carcinoma cells. This cluster also promotes cell reprogramming and stemness process. In contrast, miR-145 is mostly regarded as a tumor suppressor, where it regulates cellular functions such as cell division, differentiation, and apoptosis. By suppressing the main pluripotency factors (OCT4, SOX2, MYC and KLF4), miR-145 silences the self-renewal program in ESCs. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to find a potential link between the expression level of hsa-miR-302b and hsa-miR-145 with tumor vs. non-tumor as well as high-grade vs. low-grade states of the esophageal tissue samples. ⋯ Our data revealed a significant down-regulation of miR-145 in ESCC tissue samples. Based on our ROC curve analysis data (AUC = 0.74, p < 0.001) miR-145 could be regarded as a potential tumor marker for diagnosis of esophageal cancer.
Microvesicles are membranous sac structures released from cell surfaces of many eukaryotic cells. Their presence in the blood and urine also signify their potential use as biomarkers for early detection and diagnosis of different diseases. At present, synthesis and release of these vesicles from mammary tumor cells and their role in disease progression requires further research. ⋯ Microvesicles released from primary cancer cells may carry mRNA, miRNAs, DNA and various proteins. These vesicles may also influence multi drug resistance as observed in breast and leukemia cancer cell lines. A thorough understanding of microvesicles synthesis and their potential implication in metastasis would facilitate the design of novel therapeutic approach for breast cancer.
The incidence and mortality rates of cancer are increasing worldwide, particularly in the developing countries. Valid data are needed for measuring the cancer burden and making appropriate decisions toward cancer control. We evaluated the completeness of death registry with regard to cancer death in Fars Province, I. R. of Iran. ⋯ The mortality rate of cancer is considerably higher than the rates reported by the routine registry in Iran. Improvement in the validity and completeness of the mortality registry is needed to estimate the true mortality rate caused by cancer in Iran.