Brit J Hosp Med
Prophylaxis at discharge is important in mitigating venous thromboembolism events from colorectal cancer and major abdominopelvic surgery, both of which are risk factors for venous thromboembolism. Foundation doctors frequently rotate between departments, and so rely on departmental induction and/or handing down of knowledge to prescribe extended venous thromboembolism prophylaxis upon discharge. ⋯ A multidisciplinary approach involving educating health professionals about the importance of extended venous thromboembolis prophylaxis in patients who have undergone surgery for colorectal cancer can be effective in improving compliance with prescribing practices at discharge.
Lithium is a mood stabiliser widely used in the treatment and prophylaxis of mania, bipolar disorders and recurrent depression. Treatment with lithium can give rise to various endocrine and metabolic abnormalities, including thyroid dysfunction, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and hypercalcaemia. Lithium may induce hypercalcaemia through both acute and chronic effects. ⋯ Lithium-associated hyperparathyroidism, especially in patients on chronic lithium therapy, is associated with increased morbidity. Hence, regular monitoring of calcium levels in patients on lithium therapy is of paramount importance as early recognition of lithium-associated hyperparathyroidism can improve outcomes. This review focuses on the definition, pathophysiology, presentation, investigations and management of lithium-associated hyperparathyroidism.
Current best practice in placement of arterial lines is to attempt to cannulate the radial artery in the first instance. However, if the radial artery is difficult to cannulate there is no consensus among clinicians on how best to proceed. This article looks at the evidence for the different options.
This article summarises the findings from a review of publications related to healthcare leadership that were published during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. The review discusses a range of strategies for leaders to adopt in challenging situations and identifies three aspects of leadership which are considered essential when leading teams during a crisis: 1) communication, 2) decision making and 3) mental health and wellbeing. This article identifies key principles for each of these three aspects and provides practical tips for how leaders can use the lessons learned from the pandemic in their own contexts.
This article provides a comprehensive overview of hand tendon injuries. It has been tailored towards healthcare professionals who will be the first to assess these injuries and instigate appropriate management. ⋯ Rehabilitation techniques are also discussed, as this is also key to good functional outcomes. Missed injuries, or delay in their diagnosis and referral to specialist hand surgeons, can cause a large amount of morbidity for patients and therefore it is important that they are picked up in a timely manner.